Seat Map KLM Boeing 737-900 (739) - Flight Seat Map and Airline …
Airplane Boeing 737-900 (739) KLM with 3 classes and 178 seats on board. Use airplane seat map to find which ones are more comfortable and which should be avoided. Tap the seat on the map to see the details.
SeatGuru Seat Map KLM
KLM's Europe Select seats come with flexible booking, advance seat reservation, extra baggage allowance, priority boarding and disembarking, and a quick passage through customs. Plus, you earn double Flying Blue Miles with every flight in a Europe Select seat. KLM charges extra for exit row seats in economy class.
KLM’s Boeing 737-900 specifications and seat map - KLM United …
Check out the aircraft specifications, have a look at the seat map, and learn some facts about KLM’s Boeing 737-900. Find out more.
荷航的波音 737-900 参数和座位图 - KLM 中国
当您前往特拉维夫、斯德哥尔摩或布加勒斯特旅行时,您可能会乘坐波音 737-900。 找出他们的名字,了解您想知道的一切。 波音 737-900 是加入到我们机队中的第三款波音 737 机型,该机型的第一架飞机于2001年加入。 这架 -900 可能会将您带到美丽的特拉维夫、斯德哥尔摩或布加勒斯特,尽管这些目的地可能会因季节而异。 波音 737-900 与 -700 和 -800 一样,均以鸟类命名: Plover、Crested Coot、Nightingale、Buzzard、以及 Sea Tern。 想要鸟瞰我们的波音 737 …
Seat map KLM Boeing 737-900 (739)
Use the interactive cabin map of KLM Boeing 737-900 (739) below to find out the pros and cons of each seat and help you choose the best seats. You can drag and zoom-in/out the map. Click on the seat to see the details.
KLM Boeing 737-900 Seating Chart - Updated March 2025
The KLM Boeing 737-900 features seats in a 2 cabin configuration. Economy has 150 seats; Business class has 28 seats; this is pretty standard for these aircraft. Legroom-wise, the Economy pitch of " is average, the Business class pitch of " is average, though of course what that means for you depends on how tall you are! ??
【737-900机型】图片_座位图,驾驶舱,载客量介绍及乘客评论 | 168 …
iata代码:739. 波音737是美国波音公司生产的一个短途客机系列,它是目前世界上民航机中生产寿命最长、交付量最多的系列,至今订单已达7,000架,当中5,009架已交付。
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Boeing 737-9K2 WL - SkyTeam Virtual
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM/KL) Cabin Configuration: Business Class: 28; Economy Comfort Class: 18; Economy Class: 132; Total: 178; Cargo Capacity: 4,500 kg (9,921 lbs) Range: 2,300 nm (4,260 km) MLW: 66,361 kg (146,301 lbs) MTOW: 85,130 kg (187,680 lbs) ZFW: 62,730 kg (138,296 lbs) Fuel Capacity: 20,928 kg (46,138 lbs) Fuel Flow: 2,600 kg ...
History KLM #739 - FlightAware
Best Flight Tracker: Live Tracking Maps, Flight Status, and Airport Delays for airline flights, private/GA flights, and airports.
SeatGuru Seat Map KLM
For your next KLM flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .