The ‘AC00 devices contain four independent 2-input NAND gates. Each gate performs the Boolean function of Y = A • B or Y = A + B in positive logic. For more information, see Section 10. The package size (length × width) is a nominal value and includes pins, where applicable.
The AC00/ACT00 contains four, 2−input NAND gates. Figure 1. Connection Diagram. Figure 2. Logic Symbol. See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device.
SN74AC00 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s SN74AC00 is a 4-ch, 2-input, 2-V to 6-V NAND gates. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
74AC00 Datasheet (PDF) - Texas Instruments
Part #: 74AC00. Download. File Size: 29Kbytes. Page: 5 Pages. Description: Quad 2-Input NAND Gate. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments.
Test verifies a minimum 50-Ω transmission-line drive capability at 85°C and 75-Ω transmission-line drive capability at 125°C. CL includes probe and test-fixture capacitance. Waveform 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is …
Logic Gates | 74AC00 - onsemi
The AC/ACT00 contains four 2-input NAND gates. Product services, tools and other useful resources related to 74AC00. If you wish to buy products or product samples, please log in to your onsemi account. Loading... If you're interested to learn about this onsemi product, contact sales by filling out the form below.
74AC00, 74ACT00 Rev. 1.4.1 3 74AC00, 74ACT00 — Quad 2-Input NAND Gate DC Electrical Characteristics for AC Notes: 1. All outputs loaded; thresholds on input associated with output under test. 2. Maximum test duration 2.0ms, one output loaded at a time. 3. I IN and I CC @ 3.0V are guaranteed to be less than or equal to the respective limit @ 5 ...
The 74AC00 is an advanced high-speed CMOS QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE fabricated with sub-micron silicon gate and double-layer metal wiring C2MOS tecnology. The internal circuit is composed of 3 stages in-cluding buffer output, which enables high noise immunity and stable output. All inputs and outputs are equipped with protec-
74AC00 Datasheet(PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The 74AC00 is an advanced high-speed CMOS QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE fabricated with sub-micron silicon gate and double-layer metal wiring C2MOS tecnology. The internal circuit is composed of 3 stages in cluding buffer output, which enables high …
SN74AC00DR Texas Instruments | Integrated Circuits (ICs) | DigiKey ...
SN74AC00DR – NAND Gate IC 4 Channel 14-SOIC from Texas Instruments. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.