Could the Boeing 757 replace the Boeing 737 Max 8/9/10?
2010年8月9日 · As for using CFM LEAP, between the highest 737 Max thrust and lowest 757 thrust option, the 757 has 13 kN more, so we're okay there. Those 13 tonnes at approx. \$1,700/kg OEW:unit cost correlation already make the 757 some 22 million USD more expensive without taking into account the development cost associated with a re-engine. Unlike MTOW ...
Why did Boeing never replace the 757? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2022年6月13日 · The 737 MAX 10 is the replacement, for now. It almost matches the 757-200 on capacity (230 vs 240) and the 757-300 on range (3300 vs 3400 nmi), while staying considerably lighter and cheaper, due to being based on a scaled-up regional design.
boeing 737 - What is different between a B737 and B757?
2014年7月20日 · This was a stretched version of the 757-200. Passengers: 243 Length: 178 feet Wingspan: 125 feet Wing area: 1951 sq feet MTOW: 272,500 lb Takeoff distance: 7800 feet Range: 3595 nm Thrust: 2x 43,500 lb Max fuel: 11,489 US gal. Although the more efficiency gains of the new 737 bring the range up to nearly that of the 757, the 757 remains ...
What is the maximum crosswind component for large airliners?
2015年5月26日 · For smaller aircraft like Cessnas, the demonstrated crosswind component is something like 12 knots but they can land up to 20 to 25 knots. For bigger jets, such as the Boeing 737 and 777, what is the
How can I switch from MAG to TRU heading in a 737?
2024年9月13日 · I was reading the section in the FCOM for the 737 MAX concerning the heading display on the bottom of the PFD. It stated that it displays whether the current heading mode is magnetic or true, and the symbology that appears. However, I could not find any place that would allow the pilot to switch between these modes.
airbus - What's the difference between setting auto brakes to …
RTO is used for takeoff, and puts full hydraulic system pressure to the brakes. The other autobrake settings, 1, 2, 3, and Max, are used for landing, and brake to achieve a specified deceleration rates. In autobrakes Max, you get very firm brake application, but it's still something less than unmetered system pressure to the brakes.
airspeed - How can the cruise speed be larger than Vne? - Aviation ...
2020年7月3日 · I recently read the POH for a M20V, the advertising for this aircraft states that the top speed is 242 KIAS. The POH gives the Vne at 196/195 KCAL/KIAS. I have found a similar discrepancy, the Vl3 (light sport aircraft) mentions the aircraft has a Vne of 165 KIAS, yet one of the engine choices gives the plane a max cruise speed of 195.
What is the lifespan of commercial airframes (in general)?
2014年3月14日 · You always hear that the Boeing 737 have been flying for so many years and the Airbus A310 for that many years, but of course that include new airframes being produced all the time.
safety - What is the maximum momentary G force that a modern …
2021年1月12日 · The max G is something above 3.8, the ultimate limit for Transport Category, which can be considered a design minimum. How much above will vary on numerous factors because there are fudge factors and "padding" to allow for aging/fatigue/corrosion and assembly flaws, maybe 4.5, maybe 6, so the answer is indefinite. $\endgroup$
Can a Boeing 767-200 fly at 510 knots at a height of 400 metres?
2015年6月4日 · The speed is secondary - what determines the physical limits of the Boeing 767 is Mach number and dynamic pressure.