Reference Levels - What are they and how to get them
2014年2月20日 · 75db isn't the reference used for films, simply the reference adopted by most AV receiver manufacturers and or outfits such as Audyssey for home theatre. The reference used …
to achieve the 75db on the SPL ... - AVForums
2005年10月17日 · 75dB is just the so called "reference level". That is, if you use the "reference test tones" (you'd need to find out if yours were recorded at the "reference level"), you'll know …
Playing at reference level, is it 75dB or 85dB? - AVForums
2002年10月4日 · Hi there, I have the following setup: Speakers: 7.1 system with KEF THX ultra and two 34DS (dipole) at the back Integrated amplifier: Pioneer VSA-AX10. I have been told …
Denon AVR reference/0dB volume level - AVForums
2021年4月20日 · As you'll see from the second link in @dante01 's post, -30dBFS is 10dB below cinema reference level i.e. 75dB with 95dB peaks. I think the confusion here stems from 75dB …
Question - How do you set 75db on a sub? - AVForums
2011年12月15日 · Afterwards Set the levels on the other speakers with a SPL meter to get 75db, Done. How do i get the sub to 75db on a SPl meter? The sub reads about 50db when doing …
Rew Noise Floor 75db? - AVForums
2019年9月4日 · 50dB sounds quite noisy to me - is there quite a lot of background ambient sound such as traffic noise? In my fairly quiet room the background noise is usually mid 30s unless I …
Anyone manually configured speaker levels on a Denon with a
2006年2月26日 · Audyssey plays the test tones at 75dB because 85dB (reference level), is just too loud for comfort. To do it manually set all the trim levels to '0', and set the master volume …
reference level, too loud | AVForums
2003年2月27日 · It should also be noted that just because reference for home theatre is 75db, this doesn't mean eveything yopu'd be hearing would be portrayed at 75db. THe level is in …
Answered - Setting Master Volume to 0dB - AVForums
2016年4月17日 · When you run Audyssey it will set all your speakers to the correct level. The beeps Audyssey send are at 75dB, because 85dB(reference level) is too loud in most …
Recalibration after Audyssey setup - AVForums
2021年12月30日 · Ok folks. I watched an article where a guy and many forums advertise the fact after you have set up the AV Amplifier by running Audyssey to get the volumes right you then …