7.5cm AK7B auf JagdPanzer 38D Hetzer - Scalemates
7.5cm AK7B auf JagdPanzer 38D Hetzer New Connection Models | No. NC35210 | 1:35 Related products Detail and Conversion sets Designed for: Same Product family
SdKfz 234/4 AK7B (Aufklaererkanone 7 B), 75mm (project)'
We don't know about any in-box reviews for this SdKfz 234/4 AK7B (Aufklaererkanone 7 B), 75mm (project)' (#NC35191) from New Connection Models. Reference material Puma Sdkfz 234/1 and 234/2 Heavy Armoured Cars German Army, …
7.5 cm Pak 40 - Wikipedia
The 7.5 cm Pak 40 (7,5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40) was a German 75 millimetre anti-tank gun of the Second World War. The gun was developed in 1939–1941 and entered service in 1942.
Sd.Kfz.234/3 | War Thunder Wiki
To increase the firepower of the Sd.Kfz.234, the Sd.Kfz.234/3 installed a short-barrelled 75 mm KwK37 - the same as that used on early models of the Pz.IV tank - on the open chassis, replacing the turret of previous models. From June to December 1944, a total of 88 vehicles were built, and it was used for reconnaissance and as infantry support ...
7.5cm Kwk 40 L/43,L/48 - 哔哩哔哩
KwK (战车炮)是基于类似的反战车炮 (7.5 cm Pak 40)所研发的。 它取代了短炮身、用于近距离支援的 7.5cm KwK 37 L/24 ,为大战中期时的战车设计提供了显著的火力提升。 KwK40 有两个版本,43倍径与48倍径 (L/43与L/48),前者用于1942年到1943年初,之后则是使用48倍径的版本。 7.5cm Stuk 40 L/48 在 StuG.IV.Ausf.G 四号突击炮 上. 7.5cm Kwk 40 L/48 在 Pz.Kpfw.IV.Ausf.H 四号战车H型 上. 服役期间:1940-1945. 使用方:纳粹德国. 参与战争/冲突:二战. 生产商: …
7.5cm Kwk 42 L/70 - 哔哩哔哩
75毫米KwK 42炮是德国于第二次世界大战时期研发的一种坦克炮,用于装备豹式坦克和四号坦克歼击车,由莱茵金属所研制,当该炮被装到坦克歼击车时,改名为“Pak 42”。 7.5cm Kwk 42 及其炮闩系统. 7.5cm Kwk 42 在 Pz.Kpfw.V.Ausf.D 五号战车D型 上. 服役期间:1942-1945. 使用方:纳粹德国. 参与战争/冲突:二战. 生产商:莱茵金属. 炮弹:75mm×640mmR. 口径:75厘米. 后膛:后座作用. 射击俯仰角:-10° to +20°. 回旋角度:360°. 枪口初速:发射 PzGr.40 时为 …
7.5 cm PaK 40 auf Sfl. Lorraine Schlepper ‘Marder I’ (Sd.Kfz.135)
2020年8月1日 · One possible solution to this problem was the introduction of the new Rheinmetall 7.5 cm PaK 40 anti-tank gun. It was first issued in very limited numbers at the end of 1941 and the start of 1942. It became the standard German anti-tank gun used until the end of the war, with some 20,000 guns being built.
SdKfz 234 (8-Rad) Armored Car | World War II Database
2012年12月12日 · A turretless close-support version, the SdKfz 234/3 Schwere Panzerspähwagen 75mm was also produced. This was armed with a fixed forward firing low velocity 7.5-cm Stu.K L/24 cannon with only limited traverse. The sides of the fighting compartment were raised to protect the crew.
SdKfz 234 (Puma) 8-Wheeled Armed Reconnaissance Combat …
2018年5月21日 · The SdKfz 234/4 was the final evolution of the SdKfz 234 line. Mounting the formidable 75mm (7.5-cm) PaK 40 anti-tank gun, the vehicle was appropriately armed for the dangers of the modern battlefield - essentially a desperate German attempt to produce a viable tank destroyer in quantity.
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