7.5 cm KwK 42 - Wikipedia
The 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 (from 7.5 cm Kampfwagenkanone 42 L/70) was a 7.5 cm calibre German tank gun used on German armoured fighting vehicles in the Second World War. The gun was the armament of the Panther medium tank and two variants of the Jagdpanzer IV self-propelled anti-tank gun.
黑豹的利爪——Kwk42L/70简析 - 百家号
2023年10月10日 · 75mm kwk42 L70线膛炮的不同弹种在不同距离的穿甲深度,从德军最钟爱的风帽被帽穿甲弹来 (APCBC)看,穿甲能力为185mm RHA/100m和149mm RHA/1000m。 是什么概念? 可以在1000m击穿苏联的T-34系列中型坦克,IS-2 model 1944重型坦克,KV-2重型坦克,KV-1重型坦克等苏军二战大部分坦克,美军的谢尔曼中型坦克系列 (除谢尔曼e8之类的),M26潘兴重型坦克等美军二战绝大多数坦克。 (以上均以炮塔装甲为标准) 注:RHA为辊轧均质装甲,质 …
German 75mm tank and anti tank guns. | WWII Forums
2008年12月7日 · 7,5 cm Kw.K 42 L/70 the gun of the Panther and PJ IV/70, fired a 75x640R round. 7,5 cm Pak 97/38 this is the French 75 barrel mounted on a Pak 38 carriage and firing 75x338R round, the A/T ammo produced in Germany for it probably used the same shells as the rest of the 75mm family.
2023年8月30日 · 75L24是用的75X243R;75L43/48是75X495R,陆军75L46反坦克炮也是用的这个;75L70用的是75X640R。 弹头可能还有通用性,药筒长度和粗细都不一样。 三德子的后 …
德军的坦克炮弹实现通用没 - 百度贴吧
75x640R,展示品是榴弹。 75x640R型炮弹主要使用在75毫米L70型坦克炮上。主要装备的坦克为著名的黑豹式坦克和4号坦克歼击车; 88x571R,展示品是榴弹。 88x571R型炮弹主要使用在88毫米L56型坦克炮上。主要装备的坦克为虎一型坦克; 88x822R,展示品是榴弹。
7,5 cm. Kw.K. 44 L/36,5 ammunition? - Axis History Forum
2003年5月19日 · Did the 7,5 cm. Kw.K. 44 L/36,5 use the 75x640R cartridge (6387/6387st) and all corresponding shells without exceptions? Excuse me, but are you talking about the experimental 7,5 cm KwK 44/1 designed for the Panther …
need help with german gun - Axis History Forum
2004年8月7日 · 7,5 cm KwK 40 shot the 75 x 495r tony was talking about. The Pak 39 used the same case as the 7,5 cm Pak 40, but used 7,62 cm shells, these were recognizeable by a white band around the tip. The design of the 7,62 cm A.P shells is similar to that of the 7,5 cm AP, although the shape of the nosecone is different.
Panther's ammo - Axis History Forum
2005年9月13日 · The photo below (from the Ammo Photo Gallery on my website) might be of interest as it shows the different German tank gun rounds of WW2. The Panther's ammo is the 75x640R. Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum
WW2 tank ammunition comparison. : r/TankPorn - Reddit
2023年5月7日 · It really shows the difference between, say, 75mm vs 76mm. Where is that sweet 152mm from KV2? why were they all rimmed? 318K subscribers in the TankPorn community. TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self …
坦克世界四号坦克用什么炮弹 - 百度知道
75x640R, 75x640R型炮弹主要使用在75毫米L70型坦克炮上。主要装备的坦克为著名的黑豹式坦克和4号坦克歼击车上。