IFD :: 768 LUNA
• English dovetailing on 100% solid wood drawer fronts. • Microfiber-lined drawers on Dresser and Nightstand’s top row. • Fixed shelves on chest, wire management on top compartment. • Available in Queen, Eastern King and California King Sizes. • Box spring is required. May be used with adjustable mattress bases.
768 Luna Bedroom Collection - IFD – The Orange Horse Store
768 Luna Bedroom Collection - IFD. Features: • 100% solid pine, great durability and value. • Two tone, multi-step lacquer finish. Tops feature weathered gray finish on hand-distressed wood. Ivory finish on the rest of the case pieces. • Mortise and tenon construction ensures stability and durability on all pieces.
IFD:: Product - int-furndirect.com
Finish is achieved through a multi-step lacquer, featuring our signature ivory tone, complemented by a gray finish on the tops. Mortise and tenon construction offers stability and durability. Three drawers. English dovetail on 100% solid wood drawer fronts. Hafele full-extension steel glides. One door with magnetic catches. Wood knobs.
IFD:: Product
Introducing the transitional two-toned Luna White collection. Crafted from pine wood, this collection boasts a sleek, clean-line silhouette, perfect for complementing any space. Crafted of solid pine wood. Finish is achieved through a multi-step lacquer, featuring our signature ivory tone, complemented by a gray finish on the tops.
768 Luna (768) by IFD International Furniture Direct - Suburban …
Shop for the IFD International Furniture Direct 768 Luna Collection at Suburban Furniture - Your Succasuna, Morris County, NJ Furniture & Mattress store
IFD:: Product
Crafted of solid pine wood. Finish is achieved through a multi-step lacquer, featuring our signature ivory tone, complemented by a gray finish on the tops. Mortise and tenon construction offers stability and durability. Available in Queen and Eastern King Sizes. Box Spring is required.
Luna Nightstand IFD Furniture | Furniture Cart
Luna Nightstand by IFD Furniture in Nightstands. The Luna Collection by International Furniture Direct is made of solid pine in two-tone, multi-step lacquer finish. Each piece is made to replicate antique/reclaimed wood parts and pieces, which means each item is unique.
International Furniture Direct 6/6 Headboard IFD768HDBD-EK
Shop for International Furniture Direct 6/6 Headboard, IFD768HDBD-EK, and other Bedroom Headboards at Woodley's Furniture in Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Longmont, Lakewood, Centennial, Northglenn.
SL 768-2018 水闸安全监测技术规范 - 道客巴巴
2019年6月14日 · sl 768-2018 水闸安全监测技术规范 下载积分: 1875 内容提示: I CS 93. 160 p 59 中华人民共和国水利行业标准SL 768- 2018 水闸安全监测技术规范Technical specification for sluice safety monitoring 2018 -12 - 05 发布 2019 - 03 - 05 实施中华人民共和国水利部 发布
IFD------Intense Field Dielectric——是指利用电介质材料为载体的强电场过滤器,电介质材料形成中空微通道,电介质包裹电极片在通道内形成强烈的电场,它对空气中运动的带电微粒施加巨大的吸引力,在仅产生最小气流阻抗的同时能够吸附几乎100%的空中运动微粒,对细微颗粒污染物去除效果尤为显著. 应用领域: 家用空调、中央空调、新风系统、空气净化器、消毒机等。 特点: 除尘效率极高、除菌率极高彻底灭活、压降低、可水洗永久使用、低噪声、经济、安全、适应性 …