Boeing 777X - Wikipedia
The Boeing 777X is the latest series of the long-range, wide-body, twin-engine jetliners in the Boeing 777 family from Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The changes for 777X include General Electric GE9X engines, composite wings with folding wingtips, greater cabin width and seating capacity, and technologies from the Boeing 787.
The Boeing 777-10X - Will It Ever Be Built? - Simple Flying
2020年8月25日 · In fact, at the Farnborough Air Show in 2016, Boeing Commercial CEO Ray Conner confirmed that the 777-10X was entirely plausible, according to a report in FlightGlobal. He said that such a plane would add another four rows to the existing 777-9, enhancing capacity by 40 seats in a 10 abreast configuration, which would give a total passenger ...
Will Boeing End Up Making A 777-10X? - Simple Flying
2020年10月18日 · What is the Boeing 777-10X? According to Bloomberg, the Boeing 777-10X is a further stretch of the 777X series that will include four more rows than the 777-9. This would increase the type's seat count to around 450 passengers. This would put the 777-10X in the same league as the Airbus A380 and serve as a kind of successor to the 747 program ...
The Boeing 777-10X Stretch Is 'Feasible' And Could Replace The …
2021年1月1日 · In an age where the largest commercial aircraft, the A380 and 747, are being phased out of fleets, a stretched 777X might just end up becoming the biggest jet to be produced. However, that's not something that is likely to happen in the next few years, despite Boeing acknowledging that a 777-10X could be feasible...
波音777X - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月31日 · 波音777-10x机身将比777-9x长,约为80米(263英尺),可比777-9x容纳多四排座位,搭载450人。开发777-10x的目的是和空中客车a380竞争 [46] 。目前,波音已与777和a380最大运营商——阿联酋航空商谈 [47] 。波音证实,如果阿联酋航空有兴趣,延长777-9x至10x是可行的 [48 ...
波音称预计 777X 飞机将在 2025 年投入运营,该款机型有何亮 …
鉴于777x是777老款机型升级而来,其运用场景也和传统的777飞机很是相似。 首先对于国内航班而言,老款777是被用在大型城市之间及客流大且稳定的航线上(京沪、京广、京深、沪广、沪深、杭广等),占用为数不多的黄金时刻(很稀缺)。
图解波音777X:最大的双发飞机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
波音777:140平方英寸,面积增加12%; 对比基准:空客a350,舷窗面积125平方英寸; 更宽敞的客舱. 与当前777相比,777x每侧的客舱壁厚度减小了5厘米,为客舱让出更大空间; 换个角度解读: 官方宣传美照:
波音会开发加长型的波音777-10吗?_空客 - 搜狐
2020年8月26日 · 理论上加长型的波音777-10是可能研发并生产的,在2016年范堡罗航空展上,波音商业首席执行官雷·康纳(Ray Conner)确认777-10X合理性。 777-10将在现有的777-9飞机上再增加四排40个座位,这将使总乘客人数达到450人左右。
The Boeing 777-10X – Will It Ever Be Built? | Winning
2020年8月27日 · Boeing’s flagship 777X is edging ever closer to entering service. Plagued with delays, it finally took its first flight in January this year. Since then, several prototypes have entered the testing program, getting every kink worked out ahead of its delivery to launch customer Emirates, now slated for 2022.
What is the Boeing 777 -10X? – SV Aviator's Blog
2019年6月12日 · The Boeing 777-10X is a further stretch of the 777X series that will include four more rows than the smaller -9 (and be 3.5 meters longer). This would make it the world’s longest jet. (Which the -9 already is) It is, or was, designed to compete against the Airbus A380, but now Boeing expects the…
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