Boeing 777X - Wikipedia
The Boeing 777X is the latest series of the long-range, wide-body, twin-engine jetliners in the Boeing 777 family from Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The changes for 777X include General Electric GE9X engines, composite wings with folding wingtips, greater cabin width and seating capacity, and technologies from the Boeing 787.
波音777X - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
波音777X 系列是 波音777 家族當中正在研發的最新機種。 777X將有777-8、777-9以及777-8F貨機三個衍生型號。 波音公司 宣稱,這款飛機將會是全球最大及最有效率的雙 發動機 客機 [2]。 777X將採用 波音787 的設計理念,並使用新的發動機(奇異GE9X)丶全新的 複合材料 機翼及 可折疊機翼。 此款客機的主要競爭對手是 空中巴士A350 XWB,其中777-9X原型機已在2018年11月完成所有製造程式,並已於2019年3月 下線,原訂在2019年3月13日進行下線儀式及對外開放 …
777X - The Boeing Company
The new Boeing 777X will be the world’s largest and most efficient twin-engine jet, unmatched in every aspect of performance. With new breakthroughs in aerodynamics and engines, the 777X will deliver 10 percent lower fuel use and emissions …
Ugh: First Boeing 777X Delivery Delayed To 2026 - One Mile at a …
2024年10月11日 · It will come in two variants — the 777-8 and 777-9 — and the planes are more fuel efficient, longer range, and larger than existing 777s (and larger than 787s, which are also popular). Boeing 777X variant specs
波音777X - 百度百科
BBJ 777X Family - Boeing Business Jets
Experience what it is like to enjoy your travel time. With a BBJ 777X, you have the freedom to configure the cabin to fulfill your specific needs. Widest, tallest cabins in its class. Allows for completely private rooms while maintaining accessibility to the rest of the cabin.
777X By Design - The Boeing Company
Latest flight deck technology & commonality with the 777 + 787. Innovative – 1st in commercial aviation; Easy – familiar, simple touch screens; Interactive – multiple touch points; Efficient – removes airplane parts; Common – operationally, w/today's 777; Tested – for the last 5 years
波音777-9X - 百度百科
波音777-9X是美国 波音公司 研发的世界上最大最高效的双引擎喷气式飞机,其翼展大到只有折叠起来才能顺利通过机场。 波音将在2017年开始制造这种型号的客机。 2013年9月,波音机场兼容性首席工程师凯伦·迪克斯·考勒尼(Karen Dix-Colony)在国际机场协会(ACI)年会上展示了波音777-9X的外形尺寸。 其中机身长度为76.7米,比之前报道的数据长0.2米,比777-300ER长2.8米,而估算尾翼高度为19.7米。 [4] 由于波音官员正在游说机场以及国际监管机构为777-9X做运 …
美国 波音 777-9 客机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2025年1月12日 · 波音777X 是波音民用飞机集团波音 777系列远程宽体双引擎喷气式客机的最新系列。 777X 的变化包括通用电气 GE9X发动机 、带折叠翼尖的复合材料机翼、更大的客舱宽度和座位容量以及源自波音 787 的技术。 777X 于 2013 年 11 月推出,有两种型号:777-8 和 777-9。 777-8 可容纳 395 名乘客,航程为(16,196 公里),而 777-9 可容纳 426 名乘客,航程 (13,492 公里)。 777X 项目于 2010 年代初提出,在 波音埃弗里特工厂 组装,机翼在相邻的新建筑 …
- [PDF]
BBJ 777X - boeing.cn
777X 的客舱可与上一代四发飞机相媲美,但采用现代高效的双引擎平台. 享受多个私人睡眠区、专用生活空 间、办公室等等. 乘客可以在不打扰其他旅行者的情况下工作、休息和用餐. 的宽度可 …
Which Airlines Have Ordered The Boeing 777X? A Complete List
2025年3月10日 · The 777X is the third generation of the popular Boeing 777, the most-built widebody aircraft and the largest commercial aircraft still in production. The Boeing 777X is being developed in three variants: the 777-8, 777-8F, and the 777-9. Here are all the airlines that have ordered the third generation Triple Seven.
Why The Boeing 777X Will Evolve Long-Haul Flying - Simple Flying
15 小时之前 · The original 777-200 was the shortest of its siblings. The 777-200ER arrived two years after the first variant, allowing customers to reach further markets with an increased payload. Lastly, the 777-300, which was the longest airliner ever manufactured at the time, was developed to offer a 20% greater overall capacity than the original 777-200.
Which Airlines Have Ordered The Boeing 777X? - Simple Flying
2023年12月5日 · The 777X will be available in two variants for passengers - the 777-8 and the longer 777-9. The 777-9 will come first, which, in its most dense configuration, will be capable of carrying more than 400 passengers. The 777-8 will carry fewer passengers but will have a longer range than its sibling.
颀长舒展的民航旗舰-波音777X - ChinaeroSpace
2020年2月18日 · 777X是波音777系列的最新改型,也是目前最新最大的宽体双通道客机,有两个改型,分别为本次首飞777-9和机身更短航程更长的777-8。 从飞机的主打细分市场来看,777X是777-300ER后续的大型宽体客机。 与737MAX 一起,作为波音近五年来最重要的两个产品系列。 737MAX是覆盖从150到200座的单通道机型,777X则是3级客舱布局超过400座的大型宽体客机。 777X在747-8I客运型已停产的情况下,已成为波音民机的旗舰机型。 可以想象,当前的这段 …
Anatomy Of The Boeing 777X | Aviation Week Network
2022年2月24日 · Developed from the 777-300ER, the three-family 777X series incorporates General Electric GE9X engines and a high-aspect composite wing design to deliver an a
Boeing 777-9X Specs, Interior, Cockpit and Price
2020年3月5日 · Boeing 777-9X Specs, Interior, Cockpit and Price – The Boeing 777-9X is a twin aisle commercial aircraft developed and produced by the Boeing Company, United States. This aircraft is the second variant in the Boeing 777X family after the 777-8X variant.
The Boeing 777X - A Plane That Will Change The World - Simple …
2023年10月29日 · There will be two versions of the Boeing 777X, the 777-9 and the smaller 777-8, with a third option for an ultra-long-range model not currently planned. The 777-9 stretches the fuselage of the 777-300ER to over 76 meters in length, offering a passenger capacity of up to 426 (in a two-class configuration, according to Boeing data).
The Boeing 777 turns 25: All about the new Boeing 777X
2021年1月1日 · The 777 now comes in a new form: the 777X, which flew for the first time in January 2020, becoming the largest twin-engine airplane ever to fly. You can expect to see it flying passengers this year, with Emirates. The newest 777 will be easy to spot around airports, thanks to its unique folding wingtips, a first in commercial aviation.
777X in Numbers - Key.Aero
2017年11月23日 · • At 251ft 9in (76.72m) in length, the 777-9 will be longest airliner Boeing has ever built and 10ft (3m) longer than the 777-300ER • Its GE9X engines will have a 134in (3,403mm) fan diameter, the largest fan diameter developed to date for any jet engine
The Technical Features Taking The Boeing 777X To The Next Level
2024年8月24日 · Boeing 777X set for early 2025 entry-to-service if program remains on schedule. GE9X engine offers fuel efficiency, quiet operation, and low nitrous oxide emissions. New design includes composite wings with foldable wingtips and improved cabin comforts.
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