PCIe-7842 - NI
Controls I/O signals and provides a user-programmable FPGA for onboard signal processing and flexible system timing and synchronization.
NIPXI-7842R Datasheet (PDF) - National Instruments Corporation
Part #: NIPXI-7842R. Download. File Size: 194Kbytes. Page: 8 Pages. Description: R Series Intelligent DAQ-Data Acquisition and Control with Onboard Processing. Manufacturer: National Instruments Corporation.
NI PXI-7842R Reference - NI R Series Documentation
R Series Reconfigurable I/O Module (AI, AO, DIO) 8 AI channels, 8 AO channels, 96 DIO lines, LX50, 200 kS/s AI Sample Rate. You can use an FPGA I/O Node, configured for reading and writing, with this device. Note FPGA I/O Nodes cannot be configured to write to R Series digital output channels as both ports and lines.
NIPCIE-7842R Datasheet (PDF) - National Instruments Corporation
Part #: NIPCIE-7842R. Download. File Size: 377Kbytes. Page: 17 Pages. Description: NI R Series Multifunction RIO. Manufacturer: National Instruments Corporation.
NI PCIe-7842R 数据采集设备-光电汇
NI PCIe-7842R数字RIO板卡提供的可编程FPGA芯片,适合板载处理和灵活的I/O操作。 用户可借助NI LabVIEW图形化程序框图和NI LabVIEW FPGA模块,配置各项模拟和数字功能。
PCIE-7842R NI R Series | In Stock Ships Today! - Apex Waves
The PCIe-7842R (Part Number: 781101-01) is an advanced Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Device created by National Instruments. This device can control I/O signals. The PCIe-7842R features onboard signal processing and flexible synchronization and timing for the user’s measurement system.
- 评论数: 9
PXI-7842 - NI
Provides combinations of analog I/O and digital I/O in a single PXI module with a user-programmable FPGA for onboard signal processing and custom system timing and synchronization.
NI PXI-7842 / PXI-7842R (R-Series PXI Multifunction ... - ArtisanTG
The National Instruments PXI-7842 / PXI-7842R R-Series PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Modules feature a user-programmable FPGA for high-performance onboard processing and direct control over I/O signals to ensure complete flexibility of system timing and synchronization.
关于NI可编程板卡的安装到配置_labview怎么添加ni pcie采集卡 …
2020年4月24日 · 本文详细介绍了使用NI可编程板卡R系列(Pcie-7842R)的完整步骤,从安装必要的软件如NI工具、NIRIO驱动、LabVIEW及其FPGA模块开始,到注册LabVIEW云服务器并进行FPGA程序的开发与编译,最后生成C可用文件的过程。
PXI-7842R NI R Series | In Stock Ships Today! - Apex Waves
The National Instruments PXI-7842R (Part Number: 780338-01, 198219C-05L) Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Module is part of the R Series. This module has the following specifications: Virtex-5 LX50 FPGA, 200 kS per second maximum sample rate, eight analog input channels, eight analog output channels, 96 bidirectional digital channels nad an ...
- 评论数: 20