The 7000/7010 Series Triple Quads are the only triple quadrupole GC/MS combinations that incorporates a hexa pole collision cell, blanketed with a combination of nitrogen and helium gas, to improve the ion fragmentation prior
Agilent 7000/7010 系列三重四极杆是与 Agilent 8890、9000 和7890B 气相色谱仪一起使用的独立的三重四极杆质谱仪。 Agilent GC 和GC/MS 用戶手册和工具 DVD 盘上提供完整的参考资料信息库。 有关如何安装并访问这些大量信息的方法,请参⻅第 6 ⻚上的“ 硬件库” 。 MassHunter Workstation 提供用于定量、化合物确认、目标化合物筛选、降解物和未知物识别、生物分子表征以及蛋白质和代谢物识别的专用软件模块。 Agilent GC/MS 软件信息和手册记忆棒上提供 …
安捷伦GCMS 7890-7010系列气质联用仪-气相色谱仪|气质联用仪
安捷伦gcms 7890-7010系列气质联用仪 可选配置:1、进样口选择:隔垫吹扫填充柱进样口(PPIP);分流/不分流毛细管柱进样口(S/SL);程序升温冷柱头进样口(PCOC)。
Agilent Technologies 7010 Series Operating Manual
View and Download Agilent Technologies 7010 Series operating manual online. Triple Quadrupole. 7010 Series laboratory equipment pdf manual download. Also for: 7000 series.
Agilent 7010B MS/MS with 7890A GC & 7693 Autosampler
The Agilent 7010B MS/MS system, paired with the reliable 7890A GC and the precision 7693 Autosampler, delivers high sensitivity and performance for laboratories requiring robust, high-throughput gas chromatography and mass spectrometry solutions.
安捷伦7890B-7010气相色谱仪串联三重四级杆质谱仪,GCMSMS …
Agilent 7010 三重四极杆气质联用仪是业界第一款能在电子电离 (EI) 模式下提供阿克级检测限的系统。 7010 气质联用系统的八氟萘 (OFN) 仪器检出限 (IDL) 为 0.5 fg,表明该系统能实现优异的自动液体进样器、气相色谱和质谱性能。
Agilent 7010 Triple Quad and 7890A GC/MS System with 7693 …
The advanced Agilent 7010 Triple Quad GC/MS systems provide everything you need to take your lab to a higher plane of productivity and confidence – including low detection limits, robustness, and software tools that simplify method optimization and lower your operating costs. They also integrate seamlessly with the Agilent 7890 GC.
7890 | Spectralab Scientific Inc.
2025年2月6日 · The advanced Agilent 7010 Triple Quad GC/MS systems provide everything you need to take your lab to a higher plane of productivity and confidence – including low detection limits, robustness, and software tools that simplify method optimization and …
Agilent 7890B User Manual PDF | Manualsnet
Instructions for connecting cables from the GC to other instruments in a typical 7890 Series system are included here and in Appendix B, Cabling Diagrams and Remote Start/Stop."
Agilent Technologies 7000 Series Operating Manual
View and Download Agilent Technologies 7000 Series operating manual online. 7000 Series industrial equipment pdf manual download. Also for: 7010 series.