Recommended Column Nut and Ferrule Combinations for GC and …
2025年3月10日 · Vespel/graphite ferrules are recommended for applications with temperatures below 350 °C. 7890 and older will need a capillary column adapter (part number G1532-80540). Graphite ferrules are recommended for high-temperature applications exceeding 350 °C, and are capable of withstanding temperatures up to 450 °C.
Agilent capillary flow technology (CFT) devices are used for splitting, heart cutting, and reliable zero dead volume connections. The features of the capillary flow technology make traditionally difficult connections simple, reliable, and leak free. The …
Agilent GC 7890B 气相色谱仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
软件工具:安捷伦的部件查找工具和 OpenLab CDS 简化了 7890 系列气相色谱的连续操作过程。 微板流路控制技术 (CFT) 可提供更好的色谱分离能力并减少样品前处理步骤。 保留时间锁定 (RTL) 保持不同次进样、长时间分析或不同仪器分析的保留时间不变。
GC 7890B - SIM GmbH
Capillary Flow Technology (CFT): enables reliable, leak-free in-oven connections, provides a versatile means of analyzing complex matrices, enhances productivity and data integrity; CFT Backflush can reduce cycle times, reduce costs and yield better GC and GC/MS data.
Agilent Technologies 7890B Getting Started - ManualsLib
Overview of the 7890B GC Capillary Flow Technology Agilent Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) devices are used for splitting, heart cutting, backflushing, and reliable zero dead volume connections. The features of the capillary flow technology make traditionally difficult connections simple, reliable, and leak free.
Agilent’s proprietary Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) solves a problem chromatographers have been wrestling with for decades: creating leak-free capillary connections that can withstand the temperature extremes of a modern GC oven. CFT devices are inert, with low mass and low dead volume to help you
安捷伦气相谱仪7890A、7890B、顶空7697和7694 - 百家号
2024年7月3日 · 此外,7890B还引入了微板流路控制技术(CFT),提供了更好的色谱分离能力,减少了样品前处理步骤。 保留时间锁定(RTL)功能确保不同次进样、长时间分析或不同仪器分析的保留时间不变,提高了实验结果的可靠性和可重复性。 低热容(LTM)模块通过快速色谱柱加热和冷却技术缩短了进样间隔时间,进一步提高了分析效率。 在气相色谱分析中,样品的进样方式对于实验结果的影响至关重要。 安捷伦的顶空进样器7697A和7694系列为实验室提供了高效 …
Introduction Capillary Flow Technology Agilent capillary flow technology (CFT) devices are used for splitting, heart cutting, and reliable zero dead volume connections. The features of the capillary flow technology make traditionally difficult connections simple, reliable, and leak free.
Agilent安捷伦7890气相色谱仪 - 试剂仪器网
软件工具:安捷伦的部件查找工具和 OpenLab CDS 简化了 7890 系列气相色谱的连续操作过程。 微板流路控制技术 (CFT) 可提供更好的色谱分离能力并减少样品前处理步骤。 保留时间锁定 (RTL) 保持不同次进样、长时间分析或不同仪器分析的保留时间不变。
Agilent 7890B气相色谱仪 - 试剂仪器网
微板流路控制技术 (CFT) 提供独特的仪器功能,例如多维气相色谱(GC-GC/Deans Switch)、配备流路调制器的全二维气相色谱 (GC x GC),以及柱前、柱中和柱后反吹 ... 安捷伦GCMS气质联用7890-5975. 关注(1570) 安捷伦GCMS气质联用7890B-5977. 关注(2869)