What does 7A1 mean on my passport if i was denied entry to the …
2010年2月25日 · 7a1 is the catch-all phrase CBP uses when it determines that you are an intending immigrant. There is a presumption that all people entering the US are intending …
What does WD 7A1 mean ? How long after having that stamped …
2020年8月22日 · That "WD 7A1" stamp the catch-all for when denied entry on last attempt to enter the USA due to belief of immigrant intent, or serious visa/immigration law violation and …
What does 7A1 mean ? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2022年12月21日 · What does 7A1 mean ? Is my answer "BEST ANSWER" and/or "HELPFUL"? If so, please acknowledge and mark it so. Mr. Smith has 25 years of successful U.S. immigration …
Entry was denied while crossing border under 7A1. Since there are …
2011年3月29日 · Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted …
What does an expedited removal under code 212(a)(7)(A)(i)(I) mean?
2021年2月25日 · Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted …