7mm rem mag factory ammo - Long Range Hunting Forum
2015年5月26日 · This is going to be the highest (real) BC factory loaded ammo. HSM Trophy Gold Ammo 7mm Remington Mag 168 Grain Berger Hunting VLD HSM Trophy Gold Ammo 7mm Remington Mag 180 Grain Berger Hunting VLD Bergers are the highest legit BC bullets on the market. Nosler inflates their BC's, and have for years.
7MM Mag factory ammo recommendation for elk - Long Range …
2013年10月30日 · HSM Trophy Gold Ammo 7mm Remington Mag 168 Grain Berger Hunting VLD A lot more than I would pay for factory 7mm ammo... you can tell him I said that
Thoughts on New Federal 7mm Back Country - Long Range …
2009年10月22日 · Whats everyones thoughts on Federal's new 7mm Back Country. I was on the verge of having a 280 AI mountain style rifle built with a 22 in barrel but 3000 FPS out of a 20 in tube with a case the size of a 280 Remington is very appealing...
7PRC loads & velocities - Long Range Hunting Forum
2023年6月3日 · Factory ammo and factory chambered rifles. That's the advantage. If someone is a reloader with custom rifles, that advantage doesn't apply. If someone is wanting a factory rifle, 7SAUM/WSM don't apply.
Hornady 7 PRC Factory Ammo Inconsistencies - Long Range …
2021年5月5日 · This was my first experience with the Hornady over-gloated, magnificent 3000 fps 7 PRC!! How in the hell can a company create such a good cartridge design and market it so confidently but load factory ammo so inconsistent that it will disappoint the proud new owner of an expensive custom rifle! Just a rant because I'm not impressed.
What is the difference between a 7 Rem Mag and a regular 7mm
2016年5月13日 · The 7mm I kind of thought of was the 7x57. You mentioned the 7mm Express It was making a try again when I bought my Rem Mag in 1986. I might even have bought one but up here ammo was hard to find and 7 Rem Mag was every where plus it had that extra punch. Thinking about it there were only 4 common 7mm's then or at least talked about ones.
7mm Rem Mag Ammo for Elk?? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2015年1月5日 · Myself and 2 other guys are going to Idaho in 4 months for an elk hunt. We were talking ammo selection the other day and my buddy needs to find a good factory round for the 7mm Rem Mag he just inherited. So what brand and grain weight would you guys recommend? He will not be reloading for this...
Selecting 7mm Rem Mag Ammo - Long Range Hunting Forum
2013年8月6日 · Hello Thanks to the help of many of you, I have a Savage 111 LHR 7mm Rem Mag on the way to my FFL. In preparation, I was planning on purchasing a few types of ammo to see what the rifle likes. I would like to elicit some feedback on what kind to buy. My internal debate is whether to get the...
7mm Backcountry 1st shots - Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年2月25日 · Hoping RCBS comes out with dies, and I want to try the Hammer 0.284 141gr HHT bullets!
OAL/BTO for 7mm PRC factory ammo? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年1月16日 · Looking to troubleshoot what I suspect is a VERY short throat, and would like to know the OAL and/or base to ogive for factory ammunition with a 175 ELDX and 180 ELDM for a 7PRC. Hoping there's some folks on here who have a box and a …