7LRM Load Data | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年6月16日 · The other 7mm magnums all had pmaxes between about 60000 and 64000 so i used 62000. When i put everything and adjusted the burn rate to match your muzzle velocity …
7 LRM vs 7-300 PRC | Sniper's Hide Forum
2021年12月23日 · Is there any justifiable reason to have my 7mm Rem Mag rebarreled to 7 LRM when the 7-300 PRC seems easier to find components for, cheaper more better? The 7mm …
7 lrm | Sniper's Hide Forum
2018年1月22日 · Tula LRM Primer 71.0 Gr H1000. Primers flat. Extractor marks at 71.6gr. Blown primer at 72.0 gr. ~3050 fps - seems to be gaining some speed as barrel breaks in. worked up …
7MM LRM vs. 7MM SAUM | Sniper's Hide Forum
I went back and read 20+ threads on 7mm SAUM so I have a decent idea what that cartridge is about, but it's a little harder to find info on the 7mm LRM. The pros of the LRM seem to be: 1) …
7prc vs 7lrm - Long Range Only
2022年10月26日 · That 300 win mag is a much better elk rifle than the 7. Do the math. the 220 at 2950 or the 180 at 2950. I know what one I would take. I have seen how 7's work on elk over …
Anybody shooing 7mm LRM? - Shooters' Forum
2018年5月13日 · The 7 LRM is basically a 7mm-375 Ruger with the shoulder set back to give it a longer neck. It's a pretty good design actually. Problem is Hornady brass is the pain in the ass …
Early Impressions With The 7LRM - Shooters' Forum
2013年6月10日 · Mine is a BAT non-designated action, 7mm LRM (Long Range Magnum), 1-8 twist Krieger W/Gunwerks brake, Jewel trigger, Eric Wallace Benchrest stock, 20 MOA base, …
7LRM brass quality? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2006年4月28日 · 7LRM is my favorite 7mm magnum. The brass is just fine. I have one set which I turned and necked down to 6.5 for my 6.5LRM and I have 10 firings on that set. Still shooting …
7mm lrm - Shooters' Forum
2014年8月4日 · I got my brass from gunwerks, no issues at all. You can also form it from 375 ruger cases. Hornady makes the lrm brass for gunwerks. The problem with the 7-300 wm is …
7mm Long Range Mag - Shooters' Forum
2012年10月3日 · New build in the works! Going with the 7mm LRM, Anyone shooting this round? Performance? This build started out as a 7mm Rem Mag but liked the idea of the non belted …