7mm PPC / 7.62x39 necked to 7mm?
2007年8月22日 · 366, tell me about YOUR experience with feeding problems and the 7mm BR? My model 7, custom barreled feeds ALL FIVE slick as grease! Using factory 260 mag box and …
7.62 X 39 wildcats - ACCURATE RELOADING
2003年2月10日 · There are already two 7.62x39 Wildcats in existence...the .22 PPC and the 6mm PPC. The 7mm Bench rest brass is based on the .308 case and not the 7.62x39 brass. the …
Thinking about 6mm PPC...
2018年5月12日 · Have a friend with a little Sako rifle in 6mm PPC.He bought it for his grandson to shoot at deer. Like JAS has already said the slow twist on many of the 6ppc rifles will not …
Necking up 6mm PPC brass to 7.62x39 - ACCURATE RELOADING
2008年5月31日 · I have seen .30-PPC cases made from 7.62x39 brass and fired with large Winchester rifle primers shoot 210 grain CAST bullets into groups in the 0.1"s and 0.2"s using …
7mm WSSM (a 7WSM switch-barrel for comps) - ACCURATE …
2021年6月17日 · Everyone likes pictures so this picture shows the 7mm WSSM next to a few other long range rounds for comparison: the 7mm WSM loaded to mag length, the 7WSM …
Ramshot powders - ACCURATE RELOADING
2007年7月17日 · I have a dillon, a lee loadmaster with perfect powder measures and their pistol powder measure. What you think of the performance of their powders? I mostly would be …
New Loading Manual From Norma - ACCURATE RELOADING
2014年2月16日 · The new manual lists loads for the 7mm, 300, 338, and 375 Blaser Magnum cartridges. In keeping with today’s fashion, these cartridges are based on shortened .404 …
Why buy a Bruno powder measure? - ACCURATE RELOADING
2005年6月5日 · Jerry Hensler's contact was [email protected]. Jerry redesigned the hopper and used a micrometer adjustment. The conversion is for a PPC case capacity only. Probably …
270 Allen Mag - forums.accuratereloading.com
2007年10月16日 · For thoes not flamilur with the allen mags they are developed by gunsmith Kirby Allen. the 270 AM is the 7mm RUM necked to .277 Here is Kirbys description 270 Allen …
250sav. neck uP ...or not?
2006年12月2日 · If I neck Grendel to 7mm, 139interbond@2550 should be achievable, go well above the sub50kpsi factory6.5G pressures designed for safe longterm AR15 …