5.45×39mm - Wikipedia
The 7N22 armour-piercing bullet, introduced in 1998, has a 1.75 g (27.0 gr) sharp-pointed steel penetrator made of steel U12A and retains the soft lead plug in the nose for jacket discarding. 7N22 boat-tail bullets weigh 3.69 g (56.9 gr) and can be identified by their red identification ring above the cartridge neck and a black tip. [15]
苏联毒子弹的后代——5.45x39mm步枪弹(下) - 哔哩哔哩
1998年,俄罗斯推出了7N22穿甲弹 ,该弹 弹头重3.68g,初速度约890m/s,枪口动能约1430J , 钢芯材料换为Y12A高碳工具钢,头部有一个小尖头 7N6、7N10、7N22的弹头及钢芯对比,可见7N22头部的小尖头
5.45x39 7N6 7N10 7N22 7N24 - Modern Firearms
Later on, this cartridge was generally replaced in production in Russia by 7N10 ammunition, which has improved penetration thanks to harder steel core. Other bullet types in the 5.45×39 range of military ammunition include tracers, armor piercing and subsonic cartridges (for use by Spetsnaz troops in silenced AKS-74UB compact assault rifles).
5.45×39mm - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7n24:在7n22基础上,用钨合金弹芯替代钢质弹芯,进一步提高穿甲能力。 7N39 :使用碳化钨(92%)与钴(8%)粉末烧结成弹芯,据称100米可击穿24mm ST3钢板和6B23-1防弹衣。
苏俄GRAU编号体系 (普通枪弹 - 7N) - 7N) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月6日 · 本文仅简要介绍7N (1~40)部分,不作定量分析。 沙俄/苏俄/苏联/俄罗斯大规模使用过的各种金属定装弹。 GRAU标准仅涉及1960年后的新式弹药 (之前使用的为格式类似的GAU标准),因此未对1960年前停止更新的7.62×25mm、.44、7.62×38mmR、.42编号。 大部分弹种名称为俄语全称缩写 (类似于英语中AP - Armour Piercing)的拉丁转写。 由于我无法阅读俄语文献,目前部分冷门/新式弹药的图片资料无法确定匹配关系,暂时不列出。
7.62x39 5.45x39 9x39 - Thinline Weapons Wiki
2023年5月17日 · 7N22. Armour-piercing bullet, introduced in 1998, has a 27.0 gr sharp-pointed steel penetrator made of steel U12A and retains the soft lead plug in the nose for jacket discarding. 7N22 boat-tail bullets weigh 56.9 gr and can be identified by their red identification ring above the cartridge neck and a black tip.
Modern Intermediate Calibers 008: The Soviet 5.45x39mm
2016年8月10日 · Despite its lighter bullet, the 5.45x39mm round retains its energy better than 5.56mm from comparable barrels, thanks to an excellent, carefully designed bullet shape. Even better, 5.45x39mm rounds are typically lighter, with the steel-cased 53gr 7N6 ball round weighing about 10.7 grams per shot.
俄罗斯现役最强5.45mm穿甲弹——7N39,到底什么水平? - 知乎
目前,俄罗斯官方公布的最强穿甲弹是7N39,据称其侵彻力明显优于7N24钨心穿甲弹。 从俄乌冲突中流传出一种代号为 ППБС,被称为7N39的增强侵彻力钨心穿甲弹。 这种ППБС枪弹的重量约为11.1g,弹尖涂有黑色标记,弹心大致为圆柱+圆锥体,长度约为14.8mm,直径约3.8mm,重约2.2g,形状类似于M995弹心的拉长版。 尚不清楚这是7N39的定型成品还是进一步改进型号还是一种新的发展型号,故下文仅依据专利、论文等资料解析7N39,不涉及这种ППБС。 7N39 …
苏联毒子弹的后代—5.45x39mm步枪弹(下)(旧文重发,有些许 …
5.45 7N22 armor piercing ammo... - AK Rifles
2007年3月20日 · 7N22 will pierce body armor that 7N6 might not. 7N6 is the softest steel core I've ever seen in my life. Its really the cheapest shit ammo that still works 100% of the time. The 7N22 has a high quality hardened alloy steel core. Its leaps and bounds better than 7N6.