Signal recognition particle RNA - Wikipedia
The signal recognition particle RNA, (also known as 7SL, 6S, ffs, or 4.5S RNA) is part of the signal recognition particle (SRP) ribonucleoprotein complex. SRP recognizes the signal peptide and binds to the ribosome, halting protein synthesis. SRP-receptor is a protein that is embedded in a membrane, and which contains a transmembrane pore.
7SL RNA - 百度百科
7SL RNA,又称为7S RNA。 在哺乳动物中,它是由 RNA聚合酶III 转录形成的,通常为双链核糖核酸,不进行翻译。 它的长度为约 300 核苷酸,沉降系数为 7s 。 它是 信号识别颗粒 (SRP,信号识别颗粒,由RNA和六个蛋白质组成)的支架。 7SL RNA和Alu 序列相关:7SL RNA 是 信号识别颗粒 的一个组分,其序列和Alu 序列的左半部类似,只是在中部有一个插入。 所以7SL RNA 5‘端的90 个碱基和Alu 的左边末端是同源的。 7SL RNA 的中部160 个碱基和Alu 并不同源, …
信号识别颗粒RNA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
信号识别颗粒RNA(Signal recognition particle RNA,簡稱SRP RNA,又稱7SL RNA)是生物細胞信號識別顆粒中的RNA,在三域生物中皆有,信号识别颗粒(SRP)由RNA與蛋白質組成,可與核糖體 轉譯中多肽上的信號肽結合,暫停轉譯,並與細胞內質網(真核生物)或細胞膜(原核 ...
7SL RNA and signal recognition particle orchestrate a global …
2025年2月14日 · Non-coding 7SL RNA is an ancestor to mammalian Alu and B1 SINE RNAs and is thought to function exclusively within the Signal Recognition Particle (SRP), aiding in the translocation of secretory...
sequence in 7SL RNA appeared in evolution before the mammalian radiation. We suggest that mammalian Alu sequences were derived from 7SL RNA (or DNA) by a deletion of the central7SL-specific
信号肽与新生肽链的运输和加工(一) - 知乎专栏
信号肽的识别需要一种核糖核蛋白复合物,称为 信号识别颗粒 (signal recognition particle,SRP)。 真核生物的SRP由六个蛋白质和一个称为7SL RNA的RNA组成,六个蛋白质按照分子量命名为SRP9、14、19、54、68和72。 人类编码7SL RNA的基因有三个:RN7SL1、RN7SL2和RN7SL3。 SRP介导新生肽链进入内质网。 Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr; 21 (7): 2538. 当SRP与新出现的信号肽结合时,它会诱导翻译延伸暂停,并引导翻译复合体与内质网(ER) …
RN7SL1 Gene - GeneCards | RN7SL1 RNA Gene
2024年12月25日 · RN7SL1 (RNA Component Of Signal Recognition Particle 7SL1) is an RNA Gene, and is affiliated with the SRP_RNA class. Diseases associated with RN7SL1 include Leishmaniasis and Polymyositis.
Alu sequences are processed 7SL RNA genes - PubMed
The primary structure of human 7SL RNA consists of an Alu sequence interrupted by a 155-base pair (bp) sequence that is unique to 7SL RNA. In order to obtain information about the evolution of the Alu domain of 7SL RNA, we have determined the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA copy of Xenopus laevis 7SL RNA and of the 7SL RNA gene of Drosophila ...
7SL RNA and signal recognition particle orchestrate a global …
2025年2月14日 · Non-coding 7SL RNA is an ancestor to mammalian Alu and B1 SINE RNAs and is thought to function exclusively within the Signal Recognition Particle (SRP), aiding in the translocation of secretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum for export. Here, we discover a function of 7SL/SRP unrelated to p …
Induced structural changes of 7SL RNA during the assembly of …
2002年9月16日 · The crystal structures of the SRP19–RNA binary and the SRP19–SRP54 (M domain)–RNA ternary complexes have revealed the protein-induced conformational changes of 7SL RNA during S domain ...
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