7TP - Wikipedia
The 7TP was the Polish development of the British Vickers 6-ton Mark E tank licence. Comparing to Vickers, the main new features of 7TP were: a better, more reliable and powerful diesel engine, a 37 mm anti-tank gun, thicker armour (17 mm instead of 13 mm on the front), modified ventilation, the Gundlach tank periscope, and a radio. About 132 ...
Polish 7TP light tank (1935)
7TP of the 1st Light Tank Battalion (Prusy Army), with the standard "horizontal pattern", Battle of Głowaczów, 9-10 September 1939. Captured German 7TP as Pzkpfw 731(p), which served in France in May-June 1940, and later in Norway. Other were sent for police and anti-partisan warfare in occupied territories in Belarus and Ukraine.
7TP戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7TP戰車 (波蘭語: siedmiotonowy polski,意為 波蘭7噸)是 波蘭 在 第二次世界大戰 使用的一種輕型 戰車,為 英國 維克斯六噸戰車 所發展而來,其武裝明顯勝於主要對手—德軍的 一號 、 二號戰車。 雖然它在 1939年保衛戰 中的表現甚佳,但其生產數量過少,低於150輛,其底盤部份用於製造 C7P火砲牽引車。
7TP战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
7TP战车(波兰语: siedmiotonowy polski ,意为波兰7吨)是波兰在第二次世界大战使用的一种轻型战车,为英国 维克斯六吨战车所发展而来,其武装明显胜于主要对手—德军的一号、二号战车。
7TP: Polish Vickers - Tank Archives
2016年10月14日 · The single turret 7TP weighed 9.9 tons, the two turret 7TP weighed 9.4 tons. The maximum speed of the tank was 32 kph, the operational range was up to 150 km on roads and 130 km off-road (Soviet sources say 195 and 130 km respectively). Both variants of the 7TP had a 3 man crew. The tank carried 80 shells for its 37 mm gun.
7TP Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年3月19日 · The 7TP series became the world's first combat tank to utilize a diesel-fueled engine (gasoline-fueled engines were prone to fires when hit by enemy projectiles). Turrets also incorporated a radio suite. The 7TP was formally delivered to Polish Army forces in 1939.
7TP DW - Quartermaster Section
The Polish purchased a licence to build Vickers tanks and after various tests and modifications they came up with a vehicle which had better armour and engine. As with the Vickers E the 7TP initially came in two versions, double (DW) and single turrets (JW).
7TP - Military Wiki | Fandom
The 7TP (siedmiotonowy polski - 7-ton Polish) was the Polish light tank of the Second World War. A development of the British Vickers 6-ton, it was significantly better armed than its most common opponents, the German Panzer I and Panzer II.
7TP - Tanks in World War 2
2012年8月11日 · The two main units equipped with the 7TP were the 1st and 2nd Light Tank Battalion, each equipped with 49 single turret 7TPs. In addition, single and twin turret versions of the 7TP fought in the defence of Warsaw.
7TP JW - Quartermaster Section
The 7TP JW was a gun version of the 7TP series and was the best Polish tank available in 1939. It had a single turret and armed with a 37mm gun, which was a version of the Bofors anti-tank gun which was the standard anti-tank gun at the time.