7TV serves 2,000,000+ daily unique users and has a library of over 1,000,000 public emotes. We use newer, more optimized image formats like WebP and AVIF, to reduce bandwidth usage. Our entire codebase is available on GitHub with a source-available license. Anyone can view and …
Free [TWITCH] Widget Top Combo Emote (Twitch/BetterTTV/FFZ/SevenTV…
2020年5月2日 · This Widget works to bring in layout of streaming the top combo emote used on the chat, only you need configure to get URL and put in Scene with SourceWEB at any streaming software.
[TWITCH] Widget Top Combo Emote (Twitch/BetterTTV/FFZ…
2020年5月2日 · > Added support for SevenTV (7TV) - Check https://7tv.app/ > "SevenTV" is default disabled, enabled to show in your combo emotes widget. To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (Same for update config).
Free [TWITCH] Widget Top Combo Emote (Twitch/BetterTTV/FFZ/SevenTV…
2020年5月2日 · > Added support for SevenTV (7TV) - Check https://7tv.app/ > "SevenTV" is default disabled, enabled to show in your combo emotes widget. To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (Same for update config).
7TV - Internetový obchod Chrome - Chrome Web Store
The 7TV Extension lets you see chat emotes in nearly a million channels across Twitch & YouTube! Not only that, but also dozens of new features, performance improvements and vanity options to...
7TV - GitHub
The Web Extension for 7TV, bringing new features, emotes, vanity and performance to Twitch, Kick & YouTube
<strong >We're sorry but 7TV doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong >
7TV:提升Twitch和YouTube观看体验的插件 - 松鼠盒子AI
7TV是一款Chrome插件,通过新增功能、表情包、个性化和性能提升,让你在Twitch和YouTube上的观看体验更加出色。 嘿,大家有没有在Twitch或者YouTube上追过直播或者视频? 我相信很多人都和我一样,喜欢在这些平台上消磨时间。 不过呢,有时候我们会觉得这些平台的功能有点单调,想要更多的互动和个性化体验。 这时候,7TV这个Chrome插件就派上用场啦! 7TV是一个专门为Twitch和YouTube用户设计的插件,它的主要目标就是让你的观看体验更加丰富多彩。 首 …
為什麼我看不到表情? - 0x資訊 - 0xzx.com
2023年9月8日 · 7tv 是一個表情擴展,安裝方式與 bttv 和 ffz 相同。 您所需要做的就是從官方網站下載它,將其添加到您的默認瀏覽器,並使用您的帳戶在 Twitch 上授權其使用。
SevenTV/chatterino7: Chat client for https://twitch.tv - GitHub
Chatterino7 is a fork of Chatterino 2. This fork mainly contains features that aren't accepted into Chatterino 2, most notably 7TV subscriber features. Stable builds can be downloaded from the releases section. To test new features, you can download the nighly build here. Windows users can install Chatterino7 from Chocolatey.