7x64 Brenneke - Opinions | AfricaHunting.com
2019年6月15日 · The 7x64 has the heaviest discount, which got me to looking at it, plus it looked interesting. 308, 30-06, 7x64 are kind of overlapping calibers really but if you were going to …
7x64 Brenneke v. .280 Remington? - Graybeard Outdoors
2006年12月23日 · My 7x64 Handi shoots as good as my .280, but brass is harder to come buy as is ammo for it, Federal used to offer it with Nosler partitions, but has been discontinued. If you …
7x64 Brenneke Pros and Cons - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2007年1月23日 · The 7x64 is a versatile cartridge. Like the .280, it uses standard 7mm (.284") bullets. A reasonable number of factory loads for the 7x64 are offered in North America, and a …
7x64 cartridge/rifle clue me up - AfricaHunting.com
2019年2月10日 · I have three 7x64 rifles and each one shoots accurately, with little fuss, and kills well. I’ve found most 7x64 rifle shoot longer ( heavy for caliber or all copper) bullets better than …
Your thoughts about 7X64 mm Brenneke from a NA perspective
2009年5月8日 · 7x64 : 160 Sierra GK /N 160 / 56.0.30-06 : 165 Sierra GK /N 160 / 60.5 Here's the Mauser 66S in 7x64 I located a few years ago for my son-in-law. Apart from the silk smooth …
7x64 Brenneke - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2008年3月22日 · My 7x64 being used mostly on Roedeer, the 160 GK has become my std. load. When expecting some bigger game, I'll switch to the same load + the harder 160 GK HP. So …
7x64 Brenneke - Opinions | Page 7 | AfricaHunting.com
2014年1月6日 · The 7x64 is still highly popular in Europe, is not a Wildcat, and believe has more staying power than the other two. Unless you want to hand load all the time, which I don’t, the …
7X64 Brenneke - AfricaHunting.com
2009年5月28日 · 7x64 This is an excelent all around caliber for plains game in Africa, widely used for hunting deers and wildboars in Europe, and very common un Germany and Central Europe …
7x64 - AfricaHunting.com
2013年7月10日 · Vithavuori N160 with magnum primers gives good results in a 7x64. Even not developed fur hunting a Sierra match King 168gr works well on deer. The main reason a …
7x64 - AfricaHunting.com
2017年2月18日 · I haven't had it but about 3 weeks. I was searching for a full stock 7x57 when a friend put me onto this 7x64. He said that I could always load it to a x57 but, the x57 couldn't …