punctuation - AM/PM vs a.m./p.m. vs am/pm - English Language …
If you leave out the dots, you should also omit the space, otherwise am looks like an independent word. Personally, I prefer to include both the dots and the space. In the USA, I've seen them reduced further, with times like 8:00a and 6:00p. Worse, this was on a timetable (aeroplanes), where I'd expect to see the 24-hour clock used.
Does “8am” mean 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒍𝒚 08:00:00.000 in the morning, or does it just ...
2020年9月8日 · Some US style rules enforce a colon separator and spaced capitals AM and PM thus 8 AM 8:30 AM, and you may even see 8 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. As we're talking style here, I'd be consistent and use the same convention throughout the text. If you have any times which include minutes, express all times that way, using '00' for on-the-hour times.
expressions - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
"Yes", or "certainly" are good enough as positive answers. In case of negatives, you can begin with "Unfortunately" or "I am afraid". In any case you may want to verbalize the action here, such as "Yes, I am available to meet tomorrow at 10:30am" or "I am afraid that 10:30am is too early for me. Can we meet later in the afternoon."
orthography - Do I spell out a time in an essay? - English …
2012年8月16日 · The correct way to write a precise time when using the acronym of Ante or Post Meridiem is AM or PM in professional writing. Sources: Common Errors in English Usage The time stamp on your email, mobile phone, digital clock, Microsoft Windows, etc.
meaning - How should "midnight on..." be interpreted? - English ...
2010年12月9日 · That is, at the precise stroke of 12:00:00. That time, along with 12:00:00 noon, are technically neither AM or PM because AM and PM mean "ante-meridiem" and "post-meridiem", and noon and midnight are neither ante- nor post- meridiem. However, for convenience, most people lump the 12:00:00 time with its …
formality - What is the formal version of "8 a.m. until"? - English ...
2011年4月5日 · The event will begin at 8 a.m. The event starts at 8 a.m. You can also insert a phrase after until: The event will run from 8 a.m. until sundown. The event will run from 8 a.m. until supplies run out. Across different days: The event will begin each day at 8 a.m.
Is it correct to say "12:00am"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年5月4日 · To this day, most humans don't feel comfortable starting anything with zero. A clock face is numbered with 12 at the top, preceded by 11 and followed by 1. The question of whether midnight should be 12:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. is not inherently more confusing than whether midnight should be 00:00 or 24:00. In both cases, there is a convention, you ...
How should one say times aloud in 24-hour notation?
Just in case you are interested in how 24-hour format used in other countries. I am Russian, living in Russia, and 24-hour clock is pretty common here. Here is some facts about it: Beside the military and such (like police, navigation services etc.), it is common in TV schedules, which means every Russian uses it.
grammaticality - in early am or at early am (time) - English …
2012年10月18日 · I agree with other posters - "a.m." can be used, jocularly, as an exact substitute for "morning". So if you want to use it like this, check that your sentence still sounds right if you swap out "a.m." and swap in "morning".
word usage - 1 o'clock in the morning OR 1 o'clock at night?
2015年9月8日 · During the winter months, the sun sets before 5:00 p.m. in many parts of the country, so "five o'clock at night" could refer to either 5:00 a.m. (it's still dark) and 5:00 p.m. (the sun has set). During the summer months, the sun rises before 6:00 a.m. in …