This 8-pin controller IC features a duty ratio current limiting technique that provides peak transient loading capability while limiting the average power dissipation of the pass transistor during …
THS4631 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The THS4631 is offered in a 8-pin SOIC (D) package, and 8-pin HSOIC (DDA) and HVSSOP (DGN) with PowerPAD™ integrated-circuit packages. The THS4631 is a high-speed, FET …
PIN-FET Hybrid receiver - FOGphotonics
Our receiver design is based on a hybrid assembly of a PIN photodiode and a high impedance FET preamplifier. This approach provides the best receiver sensitivity whilst offering potentially …
8pin蝶形封装光纤耦合pin-fet探测器组件_筱晓(上海)光子技术 …
mpgd4525q 型激光接收组件. 4、器件保存和使用时应注意静电防护。尾纤弯曲半径不得小于。
低入射光功率系列光接收组件(PIN-FET) 主要特点 Features 低噪声、高线性度 LowNoise,High Linearity 相对于不同响应度,相应带宽可调 BandwidthcanbeAdjustforDifferent Responsivity 封 …
SN74CB3Q3305 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 SN74CB3Q3305 是一款 3.3V、1:1 (SPST)、2 通道 FET 总线开关(高电平有效)。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
低入射光功率系列光接收组件PIN-FET « 北京浦丹光电股份有限公司
PIN-FET (P-Intrinsic-N Field-Effect Transistor) 光接收组件光接收组件是光信号接收部分,起到光电转换并放大信号的作用。 采用本公司专利(专利号:1821116,《 PIN-FET光接收组件性 …
PIN Field-Effect Transistor - oelabs.com
The PIN-FET (P-Intrinsic-N Field-Effect Transistor) is the optical signal receiving part of fiber optic gyros, and performs function of photo-electric conversion and signal amplification. It is crucial …
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This 8-pin controller IC features a duty ratio current limiting technique that provides peak transient loading capability while limiting the average power dissipation of the pass transistor during …
onsemi | HUF75631SK8 - Datasheet PDF & Tech Specs
onsemi's HUF75631SK8 is a trans mosfet n-ch 100v 5.5a 8-pin soic n. in the fet transistors, mosfets category. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from …