80.002 - Wikipedia
The 80.002 was a combined assault rifle and grenade launcher prototype based on the AK-74. The weapon was developed at TsNIITochMash by Yu.V. Minaev, V.I. Chelikin, and G.A. Yanov between 1975 and 1979. The main difference from the Kalashnikov is the presence of two adjacent barrels of 5.45 mm and 12.7 mm respectively. [2] .
80.002 - Wikiwand
The 80.002 was a combined assault rifle and grenade launcher prototype based on the AK-74. The weapon was developed at TsNIITochMash by Yu.V. Minaev, V.I. Chelikin, and G.A. Yanov between 1975 and 1979. The main difference from the Kalashnikov is the presence of two adjacent barrels of 5.45 mm and 12.7 mm respectively.
80式 通用机枪 - 枪炮世界
80 式通用机枪是根据从越南缴获的苏联 PKM/PKMS 通用机枪 测绘仿制而成的,仿制工作在1979年开始,在1980年通过设计定型,1983年通过生产定型。 由于前线需要新的连用机枪,因此便在 80 式通用机枪和由 67 式改进而成的 67-2 式通用机枪之间进行选择。 与原型的 PKM 一样, 80 式机枪也具有结构简单、动作可靠、结构紧凑、重量轻等优点,在成都军区步校队与 67-1 式机枪进行了对比试验时,结论是 80 式机枪的射击精度、寿命完全能满足战术、技术使用要求, …
80.002 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The 80.002 is a combined Assault rifle/Grenade Launcher based on the AK platform that predated the similar OICW. [1] [2] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/80.002 http://www.arms-expo.ru/articles/124/88513/ https://topwar.ru/6847-neizvestnyy-kalash.html http://www.dogswar.ru/oryjeinaia-ekzotika...
Stillborn 80.002 Shooting Complex - Военное обозрение
2012年8月17日 · Using 25 millimeter shots, this grenade launcher shoots 250 shots per minute, which makes it quite effective, however, with a fairly high cost of one shot, the advantages of this ammunition and weapons for it become significantly less.
80.002 - NamuWiki
2025年1月27日 · It's not that surprising, since the OTs-14 and several other Soviet weapons were developed using only firearms without a Kalashnikov. This prototype does not have an official name, but is called 80.002, which was the code name at the time of development. A special feature of the 80.002 is that the grenade launcher is built into the handguard .
80.002 - ナムウィキ
2024年7月12日 · 80.002の特徴は、まさに 榴弾発射機 が総熱カバーに組み込まれているということだ。 写真でもわかるように、総熱カバー側面に榴弾発射機が付いている。 このように合わされているが、一般銃弾と榴弾はまったく異なる独立した構造を持っている。 ただ、このように榴弾発射機を合わせて置くと、総熱が過度に厚くなって兵士が片手で受けられない地径に至ると、従来使用していた40mm GP-30榴弾ではなく、12.7mm専用榴弾を開発してそれを使用する …
80.002. An AK-74 combined with a 12.7mm 10-round grenade …
2019年4月6日 · The 80.002 was a combined assault rifle and grenade launcher prototype based on the AK-74. The weapon was developed at TsNIITochMash by Yu.V. Minaev, V.I. Chelikin, and G.A. Yanov between 1975 and 1979. The main difference from the Kalashnikov is the presence of two adjacent barrels of 5.45 mm and 12.7 mm respectively.
80.002 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 80.002 was a combined assault rifle and grenade launcher prototype based on the AK-74 platform. The weapon was developed at TsNIITochMash by Yu.V. Minaev, V.I. Chelikin, and G.A. Yanov between 1975 and 1979. The main difference from the Kalashnikov is the presence of two adjacent barrels of...
80.002 | Weapon Wiki | Fandom
The 80.002 is a combined Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher based on the AK platform that predated the similar OICW.
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