Error 801C60 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2024年5月1日 · Hello, someone able to remotely fix error 801C60 (ZGM, flexray not initiated) on F10 535i? The error showed up after I checked on the error memory via OBD. It cannot be cleared, I tried to initialize (ProTool) with no help. Other than the error code, car runs fine.
Flexray initialisation - Bimmer Scene
2021年2月14日 · 801c60 no flexray initialisation Ista doesn’t seem to be able to solve issue. Assuming something to do with enet setup vs gateway icom. Used tool32 and can’t seem to understand how to change the ports
Bmw F10 ZGW flash - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2016年7月24日 · 801C60 ZGM: No FlexRay initialisation. When I try to initialize flexray (using ISTA) I get this message: "Vehicle configuration has not yet been written. It is essential to write the vehicle configuration before continuing the test sequence." I'm thinking that only a ZGW flash will solve this problem. Any thoughts?
ZGM Flexray Synchronisation failure - BIMMERPOST
2021年8月22日 · I am having an intermittent Flexray synchronisation failure that is causing my ZGM module to store a fault (17 instances according to Ista). SA is saying that he cannot look at "electrical gremlins" until it causes an issue. Anyone else seen Flexray synchronisation faults? This is on F31. Thanks in advance.
BMW G30 FlexRay emus are not visible - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2017年12月17日 · 1st error is 801C60 ZGM: FlexRay isn't initialized. I am trying to initialize it again, but it can't be finished. Ista said "Can't sent FlexRay message". FlexRay statuses are still AUS in tool32. And "steuern_flexray_pfad" with 0x01;0x01 argument doesn't change status to EIN. I've tried it for all ports.
BMW 801C60 Fault Code: FlexRay Initialization Issue - Q&A - JustAnswer
As you retrofitted additional modules on the Flexray (radar sensors) the gateway needs to be initialized as well to recognize the additional equipment. This can be done with the OEM tester ISTA. Take a look at this link, I attached a picture with the needed function for you. https://www.dropbox.com/t/ZNevMFvRwRNiD7wm.
Bmw F33 ZGM/FEM Flexray initialization - MHH AUTO - Page 1
2021年10月4日 · I used a Launch Eurotab2 to backup FEM and write this to new module which got the vehicle started and doesn't seem to have any issues (although not driven yet) but I'm struggling with 2 codes on the unit
bmw f10 flexray initialise problem - MHH AUTO - Page 1
Are all flexray modules installed in car and can you communicate with them all? If not, have you checked each of the flex ray lines and power/earth to the missing controllers?
801C60 ZGM: FlexRey fault - x3.xbimmers.com
I have a problem with error 801C60 and i don"t know what i sholud do with these fault. Maybe somone can help. I use ista D+
BMW 328I f30 Flexray Problem - BIMMERPOST
2024年8月5日 · we have make diagnostic and show to us problem on flexray communication. the car have 65000km real and i dont drive much fast. please any help i will approciate because really all bmw dealers avoid to repair the car.