L3Harris OA-1K Skyraider II - Wikipedia
The Air Tractor L3Harris OA-1K Skyraider II (company name AT-802U Sky Warden) is an American fixed-wing, single-engine light attack/armed reconnaissance aircraft built by Air Tractor and L3Harris for the Armed Overwatch program of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). It was developed from the Air Tractor AT-802, an American aircraft that is used for agriculture and fire ...
Air Tractor® AT-802U | Multi-Mission Aircraft Series
The AT-802U multi-mission aircraft is the rugged, versatile solution for managing an array of evolving security environments. For military and civil security customers, it provides a cost-effective, FAA type-certified platform with the most endurance and payload capacity in its class.
Air Tractor AT-802 - Wikipedia
In response to the United States Air Force's LAAR program and the growing requirement for light counter-insurgency aircraft, [5] Air Tractor developed an armed model, the AT-802U, in 2008, with engine and cockpit armor, a bulletproof windscreen, self-sealing fuel tanks, and structural reinforcements for the carriage of 9,000 pounds (4,100 kg ...
OA-1K 天襲者II - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
OA-1K 天襲者II(英語: Skyraider II)(公司名稱AT-802U)是一款由 Air Tractor ( 英语 : Air Tractor ) 和 L3Harris ( 英语 : L3Harris ) 為美國空軍研製的固定翼單引擎輕型攻擊/武裝偵察機,為達成美國特種作戰司令部的 武裝守望計劃 ( 英语 : Armed Overwatch ) 。
Aircraft Overview - Air Tractor® AT-802U
The AT-802U is the largest single-engine turboprop in the world, with a maximum gross weight of 16,000 pounds and an 8,000 pound (3.629 kg) payload capacity. Since it first flew in 1990 more than 770 AT-802 airframes have been produced in a variety of FAA certificated versions. It brings 8+ hours of endurance to a wide range of mission ...
2022年8月9日 · 本次AT-802U参与竞标的“武装守望者”项目是美军一款轻型攻击机的招标项目。 从美国参与反恐战争以来发现,尽管美军拥有强大的空地打击能力,但诸如F-15E、A-10这类飞机的小时飞行成本十分高昂,用于摧毁恐怖分子小分队的目标显得十分不划算,而察打一体无人机则无法替代全部有人机执行任务,尤其是在近距空地支援时的敌我识别方面(而且美国也开始退役MQ-9),加之老旧的“战场飞机”OV-10已经退役,美军需要一款低成本(每小时飞行成本不超 …
Aircraft Specifications - Air Tractor® AT-802U
AT-802U is NOT light attack. It has all the capabilities to perform dynamic targeting in demanding operating environments.
农业飞机上战场! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
走出农场上战场,披挂上阵的AT-802播种机 - 百家号
2020年3月15日 · AT-802U是一种集攻击,情报,监视和侦察(Strike-ISR)等多种功能为一体的飞机。 AT-802U的座舱和发动机都有装甲保护,快速拆装的机身蒙皮也可以附加额外的装甲。
2023年12月15日 · 美国特种作战司令部计划先期采购6架at-802u,并随后投入30亿美元采购75架该型机。 这款轻型攻击机将用于执行反恐、近距空中支援、精确打击和武装ISR(情报、监视和侦察)等任务。