Intel 8080 - Wikipedia
The Intel 8080 (pronounced "eighty-eighty") is Intel's second 8-bit microprocessor that played an important role in the evolution of early computing.
Intel 8080 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英特尔8080 微处理器 是 英特尔 设计和制造的第二款 8位 微处理器。 它于1974年4月首次亮相,是早期 8008 设计的扩展和增强版本,尽管它们之间没有二进制兼容性。 最初规定的 时钟频率 或频率限制为2 MHz,常见指令使用4、5、7、10或11个周期。 因此,该处理器能够每秒执行数十万条指令。 后来推出了两个更快的变种,8080A-1和8080A-2,它们的时钟频率限制分别为3.125 MHz和2.63 MHz。 [2] 8080在大多数应用中需要两个支持芯片才能工作:i8224时钟生成器/驱 …
古老CPU启示录-第一款单芯片微处理器8080 - 腾讯云
Intel 8080为英特尔早期发布的处理器。 它于1974年4月发布,是一枚8位元处理器,包含6000个晶体管,时脉为2MHz,亦是第一枚可算得上的处理器。 较快的变体 8080A-1(有时称为 8080B)随后面世,时钟频率限制高达 3.125 MHz。 1976年zilog制造了与8080相容的CPU z-80(详见《穿越时空的爱恋-Z80 CPU的前世今生》)。 英特尔 C8080A 处理器变体,带有白色陶瓷、金色散热器和金色引脚. 虽然早期的微处理器用于计算器、收银机、计算机终端、工业机器人和其他应 …
Creating the 8080: The Processor That Started the PC Revolution
2014年12月18日 · If the introduction of the Intel 8008 led to a variety of interesting devices that can be considered the first early PCs, it was its successor—the Intel 8080 microprocessor—that really became ...
Intel 8080 family - CPU世界
2023年3月24日 · Intel 8080 microprocessor is a successor to the Intel 8008 CPU. The 8080 was designed by Federico Faggin and Masatoshi Shima. Stan Mazor contributed to chip design. The work on 8080 microprocessor was started at the end of 1972, and the CPU was released in …
Intel 8080 Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
The Intel 8080 is an early 8-bit CPU, released in April 1974 running at 2 MHz, and is generally considered to be the first truly usable microprocessor CPU design. It is the successor to the Intel 8008, with which it was assembly language source-compatible because it used the same instruction set developed by Computer Terminal Corporation.
Happy 50th Birthday to Intel 8080, the Microprocessor That …
2024年12月26日 · At its core, the Intel 8080 (datasheet linked) was an eight-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus, enabling it to access up to 64 KB of memory. It operated at a 2-MHz clock speed, though faster variants like the 3.125-MHz 8080A-1 were later released.
thomashkolbe/8080_Home_Computer - GitHub
The 8080 Microprocessor Kit shown above is a single board computer developed by Wichit Sirichote offering a 2.048 MHz clocked 8080 CPU, 32KB EPROM and 32KB RAM, a 7-segment LED display, a hexadecimal keyboard plus 12 function keys, a bit-banged 2400 bps serial interface, and a 100Hz timer generating periodic interrupts.
50 Years of the Intel 8080: A Microprocessor That Revolutionized ...
2024年12月30日 · Launched in April 1974, the Intel 8080 didn’t just change how computers worked; it transformed how the world interacted with technology. It was the first general-purpose microprocessor capable of running independently, paving the way for personal computers, embedded systems, and countless innovations.
Intel 8080 - Wikiwand
The Intel 8080 ("eighty-eighty") is the second 8-bit microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel. It first appeared in April 1974 and is an extended and enhanced variant of the earlier 8008 design, although without binary compatibility.
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