Make Bra (European) and international bra size conversion chart
A bra size conversion chart from Make Bra. Comparing your ready-to-wear bra size with our bra sizes may help you to find a correct size.
International bra size conversion table - MS Pomelo
Ever wondered about your bra size equivalent in France or the US? Or are you an Australian shopping for bras in the UK? Here is our international bra size conversion table to help you …
Bras | Wolford United States
Shop the Bras collection by Wolford at the official United States boutique. Made in Europe with strict ecological and sustainable standards.
Bras size 80d | Glara.eu ️
⭐Discover bras size 80d from 10 €. ️ The right bra size is important for your self-confidence and health. ️ Create a magical cleavage and hide the shortcomings of the character. Choose bras …
Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all …
胸围尺码表 - 在线工具大全
例如你的下胸围测量为79厘米,那就是80号,你的上胸围测量为92厘米,两数相减得13厘米,那就是B杯,把二者放在一起, 你应该戴的文胸尺码为 80B(国际尺码)或者 36B(欧洲尺码)。
Bra size converter / Bra size table - Calculate & Convert
With this converter you can convert a bra size to another bra size system. Enter the bra size and choose which size system to change to which size system and see result. You can convert bra …
Size Chart & Bra Size Converter | Triumph Lingerie
Use our international size chart to help convert any underwear sizes into your desired size. Using your clothing size, under-bust measurement, cup size and our bra size converter will help you …
Bra Size Conversion; UK, US, Japan, India, China, France
2016年9月22日 · Knowing your bra size is very much essential to find yourself a perfect fit bra. If you don’t know how to measure bra size, go here and you can take measurement of your bra …
International Size Conversion Table – Swansumo
Need to figure out your size but can't see your country listed? No problem, here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.