New York Mental Hygiene Law § 81.21 (2024) - Justia Law
§ 81.21 Powers of guardian; property management. (a) Consistent with the functional limitations of the incapacitated. would have made the transfer if he or she had the capacity to act. capacity, except in the form of a will or codicil. conclusion until an executor or administrator is appointed.
New York Mental Hygiene Law Section 81.21 – Powers of guardian
2025年3月9日 · Consistent with the functional limitations of the incapacitated person, that person’s understanding and appreciation of the harm that he or she is likely to suffer as the result of the inability to manage property and financial affairs, and that person’s personal wishes, preferences, and desires with regard to managing the activities of daily li...
§ 81.21 Hand Wash Sinks. - American Legal Publishing
2015年7月9日 · Hand washing sinks equipped with hot and cold potable running water shall be installed in food preparation, food service, and ware washing areas, and in or adjacent to employee and patron toilet rooms, and may be located between such areas.
SECTION 81.21 - The New York State Senate
2015年10月2日 · § 81.21 Powers of guardian; property management. (a) Consistent with the functional limitations of the incapacitated person, that person's understanding and appreciation of the harm that he or she is likely to suffer as the result of the inability to manage property and financial affairs, and that person's personal wishes,
电梯CE认证协调标准 EN 81-21 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
协调标准 en 81-21在 20 多年前与第一个协调标准 en 81-1 和 en 81-2 的起草以及电梯指令的发布和生效一起迈出了第一步95/16 欧共体。 该标准最初归类为EN 81-11,后来对EN 81系列的所有标准进行编号重新排列后修…
BS EN 81-21:2022 电梯建造和安装的安全规则 用于人员和货物运 …
BS EN 81-21:2022的标准全文信息, 范围 本文件规定了与安装在现有建筑物中的乘客和货物/乘客电梯相关的安全规则,其中某些建筑约束所施加的限制意味着无法满足 EN 81-20:2020 的某些要求。 它解决了以下限制并给出了替代解决方案的要求: ——电梯井现有的穿孔壁; ——可用井的减少导致轿厢、对重或平衡.
EN 81-21-2022【高清原版 可编辑】 - 道客巴巴
2022年10月6日 · EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM EN 81-21 May 2022 ICS 91.140.90 Supersedes EN 81-21:2018English Version Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Part 21: New passenger and goods passenger lifts in existing building Règles de sécurité pour la ...
81-21-0_二氧化二聚环戊二烯CAS号:81-21-0/二氧化二聚环戊二烯 …
81-21-0 二环戊二烯环氧化物 cas号81-21-0分子式、结构式 …
2022年11月5日 · 盖德化工字典提供二环戊二烯环氧化物-cas号81-21-0百科,可查看cas 81-21-0分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式、msds安全信息、生产方法及用途、核磁图谱等
CEN - EN 81-21 - Safety rules for the construction and installation …
2022年5月1日 · This document specifies the safety rules related to passenger and goods/passenger lifts installed in existing buildings where limitations enforced by certain building constraints mean that some requirements of EN 81‑20:2020 cannot be met.