PP Amp using 811A - diyAudio
2006年7月12日 · Anyone with exp in this 811A tube in PP for an audio amplifier? Gotham Audio Corp made one to use as a record cutting amp that is a little tricky to build but sounds very …
811a Push Pull need help - diyAudio
2017年2月11日 · Look for the Altec 1570B for a good example of a PP 811A amplifier. The 1570B does 165Watts with some headroom. You could do 100 watts if you want to be somewhat to …
811A PP AMP - tomo.fine.to
某オークションで811Aを手に入れてから、2A3PPを解体し使っていたトランス他パーツをもとに自作の道を進みましたが、シャーシー加工も面倒で、惚れ惚れするほど配線技術を持ち合 …
HIFIDIY论坛-刚完成的Fu-811胆机 - Powered by Discuz!
2016年12月21日 · FU---811的极限运用参数:阳极电压1.25KV,屏流125mA,阳极耗散功率40w,只要不超过最大屏耗,玩玩高压还是有可能有惊喜的! 神蛋虽寿,犹有尽时,这是你我 …
811a Class A2 | Page 4 | diyAudio
2002年12月26日 · I have made lots of 811A PP amps, nothing comes even close. You get more than 100 watts with less than 600 volts. The 811A's last much longer than any other tube.
811A Amplifier Project
Here is a swap meet find - a full wave bridge rectifier capable of handling a couple thousand volts. The transformer requires 55 MFD of capacitance to deliver its rated voltage / amperage with …
811A PP 60W - Pro Audio Equipment - Kaohsiung, Taiwan
MONIER 莫尼爾真空管 811A PP CLASS AB 60瓦 真空管後級 (1)兩支RCA 6FQ7 (2)兩支GE 6BQ5 (3)兩支RCA 6SL7 (4)兩支6336 大電流推動 虎虎生風的動態 (5)四支軍規nos 811A功率管 …
811a SE Amplifier with a twist – Bartola® Valves
2022年3月14日 · In particular when I built my Starlight CD player and he helped me out with the DAC ladder resistor matching. See you on the other side Jon. The last year of the pandemic …
Name: 811AUse: Thoriated-tungsten-filament tube type used as AF power amplifier and modulator and as RF power amplifier and oscillator. Notes: Requires a standard four-pin …
Does anyone have experience with 811A tube. - HiFi Haven
2021年10月27日 · Yes, you need to operate these in A2. The advantage of the 811A is that it can be run 100% in A2, so the grid is always drawing current, which simplifies amp design. I run …