KVR Forum: Add sweetness to any mix with Tulip, a rare hyper …
2022年10月20日 · TULIP EQ This module includes two switchable Equalizers plus three different preamps: - The 8122 EQ model is very present, clean and hi-fi sounding; it is derived from a 3-band passive EQ module included in a very rare tracking/mixing console from the mid-70s.
KBB-8122 KBB8122 运动包 川崎Kawasaki 中羽在线 …
【转载 | 中译】Acustica Audio Acqua系列~非官方插件与被建模硬 …
最后更新于2023年11月14日,新增:Pumpkin Pro和Ash Ultra. 括号中的数字表明了其Core引擎的版本。 若无标注,可认为是Core6或更低版本。 以下的Acqua插件使用了Hyper技术(感谢Mariano提供的原始列表): Artic, Ash, Aquamarine5 “Comp”, Cola 2 “Comp”, Diamond Dynamic Saturator, Erin “Comp”, Fire the Bus+, Fire the Exp, Fire the Gold, Fire the Pump,
评价 KBB-8122怎么样?
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比较 KBB-8122 KBB8122 运动包 川崎Kawasaki 中羽在线 …
kbb-8122,羽毛球包羽毛球包男女2支装单肩斜挎包大容量手提运动包 登陆 - 注册 资讯 俱乐部 测评室 活动 社区 全年赛历 中羽APP 社区
Add sweetness to any mix with Tulip, a rare hyper-enhanced …
The stereo bus preamp is dark, but paired with the 3675 EQ to bring back the high end worked well, the high band is very sweet. I even used the compressor, albeit very lightly, and it worked great. 3
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2023年5月10日 · Gold5 preamp plug-in includes several emulations derived from vintage and rare units. This section emulates their corresponding circuits' frequency/phase response and harmonic distortion. The Gold5 EQ comprises two sections (HF/HMF and LMF/ LF), each with a variety of selectable equalizer units.
ME-8122-P_Moujen_ME-8122-P中文资料_PDF手册_价格 ... - 立创 …
Moujen ME-8122-P参数名称:电路结构:单刀双掷;额定电压(DC):115V;额定电压(AC):250V;引脚样式:焊片;工作温度:-15℃~+70℃。 下载ME-8122-P中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有行程开关详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Spell Compare - EQ Resource - The Resource for your EverQuest …
2025年3月16日 · Spell Compare - Spell ID 8122 Spell Data ( Live , Test ) | History ( Live , Test ) | Raw Spell Data ( Live , Test ) Spell Comparisons by ID are across the 3 Game Versions - Live, Test and Beta (Beta Data can only be seen by Premium Members , when no NDA is present).
Add sweetness to any mix with Tulip, a rare hyper-enhanced …
2022年10月20日 · tulip eq This module includes two switchable Equalizers plus three different preamps: - The 8122 EQ model is very present, clean and hi-fi sounding; it is derived from a 3-band passive EQ module included in a very rare tracking/mixing console from the mid-70s.