813 SE triode amps - pmillett.com
It's a fairly powerful SE amp that works very well. It uses a single pentode as the driver (a 12HG7 video amp tube), and a solid-state power supply with a microprocessor controller. DANGER! …
813 se trans impedance amplifier - DIYPARADISO
In short actually very short feedback loop improves the whole god damn thing, less distortion makes the amp more quiet lower output impedance and much bigger bandwith and all this …
813 SE build - diyAudio
2011年7月23日 · I am just starting to breadboard an 813 SE amp and I thought I would post my progress here. This is my third or fourth big SE amp. Previous amps used the Svetlana 572-10 …
Schematics 813 SE Amp Richards Ellis - diyAudio
2017年7月22日 · I am interested in an easy 813 SE Amp. I found a schematics from Richard Ellis, but I found no further information. I think, this schematics have some "Faults".
RH Amplifiers: RH813 – The Flagship Project - Blogger
2014年6月24日 · The main or most evident difference between an SE amplifier with 300B tubes, and an amplifier with 813s is output power – we are talking about maybe 10W against 35W. …
Soundtrack 813se amplifier advice - diyAudio
2022年1月13日 · Wondering if someone has experience on the above amp. Price looks good & might be gd for tweaking or modification in future. Your thoughts pls. Thank you
813 SE Amp DIY Project | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2006年1月9日 · Anybody interested in following my project monster 813SE monoblock amps? They are in the design stage now and will probably use 4 chassis, 2 power supply decks and 2 …
813 / GM70 amplifier with Bartolucci transfomers - Audio …
This amplifier without modifications will allow to use the GM70 and the 813 (FU-13) output tubes. The 813 is a general-purpose transmitting beam power tube with thoriated-tungsten filament …
813 SE Monoblock build | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2011年11月4日 · I've got a good stash of 813's and am looking for just the right design to build. All of my previous SE amps were done with the SV-572-10 as I have a large stash of them. Once …
813 se trans impedance amplifier - DIYPARADISO
Disponible comme kit sans boitier avec alim dual mono et circuit de temporisation et de haute tension pour 1995euro. Prototype : Schema. pcb's Timer et alim. Version construite. mail for info :