piSAFE - piab.com
piSAFE® is a lightweight vacuum ejector developed with a focus on the highest levels of safety, productivity and reliability. With its Vacuum Safety Non-Return...
Vacuum conveyor accessories and spare parts - Piab
Different accessories to optimize your Piab vacuum conveyor and it is necessary to regularly change some of the parts of the vacuum conveyor to maintain maximum productivity.
Spare parts and Accessories - piab.com
Pneumatic controller with modern design, high safety, and precise control of vacuum conveyor functions.
瑞典PIAB 真空單元
piab是瑞典生產真空元件之世界大廠品牌,有多段式大流量真空產生器,相當於真空幫浦,食品級之醫藥食品真空輸送設備,還有電子業專用無痕(m a k e f r e e )吸盤及塑膠袋包裝專用吸盤保證不掉落,還有新專利多層次吸盤,減少成本及馬桶專用真空吸引器。
PIAB - 多米工业
As a reliable partner to some of the world's largest manufacturers, Piab develops and manufactures a range of vacuum pumps, vacuum accessories, vacuum conveyors and suction cups for a wide range of automated material handling and factory automation. Piab uses COAX, a new vacuum technology, in many of its original products and solutions.
我公司是瑞典piab公司在国内**的子公司——派亚博真空产品贸易(上海)有限公司,主营真空输送机、真空吸盘、真空发生器、真空系统等。 瑞典PIAB公司成立于1951年,已走在真空技术的前沿,公司的产品及系统工程不断**着新技术的发展,PIAB产品提高自动化 ...
瑞典PIAB 自动化过程组件-品牌中心-思奉工业
Piab 真空泵/真空发生器主要基于获得专利的 COAX 技术。COAX 是一种使用压缩空气产生真空的先进解决方案。基于 Piab 的多级技术,COAX 滤芯比传统真空喷射器更小、更高效、更可靠,从而可以设计灵活、模块化和高效的真空系统。
Piab成立于1951年,专门设计创新真空解决方案,改进能源效率、生产效率、以及全球真空工作者的工作环境。 作为全球多家大型制造商可靠的合作伙伴,Piab研发并制造一系列真空发生器、真空附件、真空输送机和用于多种自动化物料搬运和工厂自动化的吸盘。
馬頓企業股份有限公司 - Meton
PIAB 吸盤 真空產生器 stock on sale 庫存出清! 皆為多年庫存新品,在氣動領域的專家都知道,早期所生產的產品品質及穩定性更高,用料更實在。 規格及數量請聯絡洽詢,謝謝!
Suction cup OB20x60P Polyurethane PU60, G1/8 " male - Piab…
The oval suction cups are suitable for handling of long and narrow objects and surfaces when maximum lifting force is desired. Oval suction cups are specially s...
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