PNY Turbo Attache 4 USB 3.0 Flash Drive - P-FD64GTBAT4-GE - CDW
PNY's Turbo Attaché 4 USB 3.0 is built for speed & convenience. Experience USB 3.0 next generation speed performance with transfer speeds up to 10x faster than USB 2.0. It's the perfect solution for easily storing and quickly transferring all your large documents, high-resolution photos, HD videos, and more.
Waterpik Densco Prophy Angle - Darby Dental Supply, LLC
Waterpik Densco Prophy Angles feature a unique reverse helix rib design to reduce splatter and efficiently remove stains. Densco disposable prophy angles are made of high-strength nylon components and a dry natural rubber prophy cup.
US8242024B2 - Method of forming metal interconnection on thick ...
US8242024B2 US12/562,979 US56297909A US8242024B2 US 8242024 B2 US8242024 B2 US 8242024B2 US 56297909 A US56297909 A US 56297909A US 8242024 B2 US8242024 B2 US 8242024B2 Authority US United States Prior art keywords photoresist polyimide etching polyimide layer substrate Prior art date 2009-09-18 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.
MIT 6.824: Distributed System - CS自学指南
这门课和 MIT 6.S081 一样,出品自 MIT 大名鼎鼎的 PDOS 实验室,授课老师 Robert Morris 教授曾是一位顶尖黑客,世界上第一个蠕虫病毒 Morris 病毒就是出自他之手。 这门课每节课都会精读一篇分布式系统领域的经典论文,并由此传授分布式系统设计与实现的重要原则和关键技术。 同时其课程 Project 也是以其难度之大而闻名遐迩,4 个编程作业循序渐进带你实现一个基于 Raft 共识算法的 KV-store 框架,让你在痛苦的 debug 中体会并行与分布式带来的随机性和复杂性。 同 …
8242024 - Gene ResultMICPUN_52141 predicted protein []
Gene provides a unified query environment for genes defined by sequence and/or in NCBI's Map Viewer.
Mit6.824 lab2A全解析(推导历程+代码) - 知乎专栏
mit6.824分布式系统的第二次作业 lab2A 就是用 golang 实现一个简易版的主从选举,本篇讲这个作业的实现,挺有趣的。 可以做到在规定时间内选出leader,leader挂掉后选出新的leader,挂掉的leader,follower重新加入集群后不影响现在的leader。 听着简单,真要自己实现就复杂了。 所有规则在raft论文里面都说了,一板一眼的复现就能通过作业,但是只有在自己踩坑一步一步填上的过程才能体会论文里面规则的意义。 raft论文地址. pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.82. lab2A作业描述地 …
With The Beatles – CD (Album, Enhanced - Discogs
View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2009 CD release of "With The Beatles" on Discogs.
Pneumatic test of Piping with pressure vessel as a System 1 - Eng …
2005年4月1日 · Guys, I am trying to confirm if para 345.4.3 (b) of ASME B31.3 "Hydrostatic test of Piping with vessel as a system" applicable to Pneumatic testing as well. My situation is relief valve and the associated piping is rated for a much higher …
157 824 (@157.8242024) • Instagram photos and videos
11 Followers, 31 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 157 824 (@157.8242024)
8242024 (@dingpuiiiiii) • Instagram photos and videos
192 Followers, 145 Following, 0 Posts - 8242024 (@dingpuiiiiii) on Instagram: "lianndingpueee"