832A Push Pull 5W - diyAudio
2005年6月16日 · The 832A was intended for VHF, PP Class C operation. The typical operating voltage for that is 400 -- 750V(DC). It also looks like the grids are loaded down pretty good, so that it doesn't oscillate.
Problem with 832A PP amp - diyAudio
2010年1月6日 · I recently finished building my first tube amp (832a PP) and I've already encountered a number of problems. I have managed to solve most of them, but one problem still persists. It may also be worth mentioning that the amplifier design is the very common audiohobbyist 832a PP.
推挽机功放制作832A PP Amp _ 音响器材维修_电子技术论坛
2009年11月4日 · 最终选择了832A (FU-32)这胆子上,原因有几个,首先fu32管子,一个包含两个管,刚好可以推挽(819,829 也类似,也想过可惜没有输出牛,就直接放弃了),功率不大制作信心大些。 唯一担心是没有好成熟线路(这个完成后也实在出现了这个问题)。 管子选好电路也同时敲定了,其实没有其他选择,fu32找遍了国外国内网站,只有唯一的一个电路(电路图),还好在某个外国网站有实做的文章,其中有管子工作状态等资料,效果据说不错。 初步分析电 …
832A PP Amp LTP - diyAudio
2007年6月13日 · I am building an 832A PP amp based on the attached schematic from ultranalog.com. Unfortunately, I cannot source the transistor for the CCS, if I have to replace it with resistors, would I need a cathode resistor and then a tail resistor?
Experimental 832A Audio Amplifier - r-type.org
Initial experiments with 832A double VHF beam tetrodes utilised an old Majestic output transformer and an 820 Ω cathode resistor. This low power amplifier produced a most acceptable quality and volume and allowed recent experiments with Simplex Stereo. Time to upgrade the experimental chassis to get more from the 832A.
832A TWIN BEAM POWER TUBE type having tapped heater used as If power ampli- fior and ogeillator. May be used with full inputup to 200 MC. For operation at 250 MC, plate voltage and plate input should be rcduecd to S9.yer cent of maximum ratings. Class C Telegraphy plate dissipation (per tube), CCS 15 watts, [CAS 20 'ûatts. Requires
832A power amp | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2008年8月14日 · I'm running about 330 volts on the plates and 240 on the screens, so it is a little bit more powerful than the original version shown on the webpage. I am really impressed with this amp and my hat is off to the designer of the original 832 amp. I am using this to power two of my Khorns that have the EV T-350 tweeter.
FU32 monoblock schematic - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2022年6月25日 · I found a schematic for a monoblock that uses a ECC81 as a phase splitter, no driver tube. But it looks like any line level input should be able to drive it? Its a pretty simple amplifier and uilding a power supply should be straight forward. A single FU32/832A makes for …
832a 2W stereo amp V0.0 - プロバイダ・インターネット接続 ...
832A, Tube 832A; Röhre 832A ID11893, Double Beam Power …
Tube 832A or Röhre 832A ID11893, Double Beam Power Tube, Septar (1+6 pins) and VHF shown. Radio tubes are valves.