833 SE - Tubelab
It is being used for all amp voltages except for the 833A's filament and high voltage. The 5AR4,s that generate the high voltage for the 845's have been removed, and are on the bench to the left of the scope. Due to the higher Mu of the 833A, far less drive voltage is required than the 845.
Thivan Labs Sun 833 SET Amplifier - Atelier 13 Audio
The Sun 833 SE is Thivan Labs' Flagship amplifier. It is a massive 3-block amplifier coming in at a combined total weight of 320 lbs ! It is comprised of an Input-Driver chassis block that houses the pre-stage and the driver stage for the 833 tube. Two further chassis blocks house the Power Circuit, the gigantic 833 tubes and the OPTs.
Where are the 833 amps? - diyAudio
2003年12月18日 · Practically all Low Distortion and Low Compression Speakers have a sensitivity well sufficient for use with a 300B SE Amp. So why would you NEED more power. protos said: and recently I noticed that the WAVAC 833 is accepted as one of the best se amps around and it can do 150w.
833a Amp 75W SE - diyAudio
2005年7月7日 · The whole is to become SE amp. The 833 anode voltage is to be operated and with -60V bias with a Raa of ~20k. it is around the 75 -100W to carry out in such a way with 3000V.
looking advice for 833 tube amp - diyAudio
2023年10月22日 · The builds by Magz and Reinout are great. Do read up on these, as they talk about lots of things to keep in mind (besides the obvious: voltage). You are proposing a fairly low HT (for an 833). This means you need more drive current compared to running them as high as Magz does. A 2A3 or 4P1L won't do.
WAVAC 833单端功率放大器 - 『胆艺轩音响技术论坛』 - 胆艺轩 …
2008年7月1日 · - 这款高保真分体放大器是世界第一个实现甲类150W单端功率输出。 作为甲类直热灯丝三极管单端,该机器拥有世界上最强大的输出。 - 这款功放WAVAC公司全新研发线路,是基于“ 要想获得最好的声音,就需要纯净的“力量“”的理念而设计,它能为功放提供足够的能量,同时更能重现更强劲的声音,特别是提升低音音质。 -电源部分每声道采用5个不同的电源变压器,以防止双向影响,并向放大器部分提供足够的电源能量。 - 稳压电源部分采用硅二极管整流,同 …
Darren 212 / 833 SE amp - audio-talk
2007年5月28日 · How do I describe this sound, I'll have a go, I find the 211 a bit cold sounding, very precise. The 212 is a bit warmer in the mids with better/more sharp bass. The 833 is like a PX4 with power, shed loads of power. Put it this way. I'm running it at 800V and on notch one it's louder than the 212 at 950v On notch 11 (halfway) I have 22 notches.
833SE | Tubelab
I spent two hours trying to blow the 833A prototype amp up by playing guitar through it at extreme volume levels, complete with feedback and hard clipping. No dice, the amp just kept putting up with my S***, although I did blow the bench circuit breaker twice.
The 833-A Stereo Amplifier - Instructables
Running an 833-A at far less than the power it can produce when driven to noticeable distortion will yield a very linear output. The 833-A has a directly heated thoriated tungsten cathode, which is recognized as the best sounding cathode in triode, with the exception of the oxide coated cathode in the 245 triode.
THIVAN LABS - SET Tube Amplifiers - Atelier 13 Audio
Meet Thivan Labs' "Big Tone Tube" SET amplifier line ! ... featuring all the great tubes including the 811A, 845, 805, 211, 813, and the 833.