Become a Career Recruiter - United States Marine Corps
The 8412 MOS Road Map delineates recommended training, required training, billet assignments, and career progression that enhance a career recruiters competitiveness with their peers
8412 - Career Recruiter | mosroadmap.com
Career Recruiters can anticipate a minimum 3-year tour in assigned key recruiting billets and should anticipate transfer to another key billet upon the completion of a 3-year tour. Assignment of Career Recruiters is determined by the needs of Marine Corps Recruiting Command and the personal desires of the individual concerned. Prerequisites
Career Recruiter Course - United States Marine Corps
2021年1月3日 · b. Commanding Generals, Eastern and Western Recruiting Regions (1) Ensure all newly approved 8412s/8422s are enrolled for this course. (2) Ensure all attendee names and student data provided by the...
2012年10月11日 · The Active Reserve (AR) career recruiter (PSR 8412) provides a body of recruiting expertise in support of the Marine Corps total force recruiting effort. The PSR 8412 structure is contained...
MOS 8412 US Marine Corps Career Recruiter
Career recruiters are superior recruiters who will serve to establish a cadre of professional recruiters with long-term assignments in key managerial billets to improve the management and effectiveness of the recruiting effort.
2024年10月10日 · SDA contingent on the Marine’s intent to submit an 8412 lateral move package. Upon the approval of an 8412 lateral move package and receiving the PMOS of 8412, SDAP must be terminated and ...
MOS OCC Field 84: Miscellaneous Requirements MOS 84
(Ranks: SSgt to Sgt) The Recruiter must be thoroughly familiar with the enlistment process from applicant prospecting to preparation for recruit training. Recruiters work in an environment external to the normal Marine Corps post, station, and FMF environments.
RECRUITER EXTENSION PROGRAM > United States Marine Corps Flagship ...
2023年10月24日 · Recruiters (8411) will be offered the opportunity to remain in their billet for an additional 6, 9, or 12 months beyond their required 36-month tour. This extension is based on the needs of the...
Recruiting Station Albany - United States Marine Corps
SMCR/IRR Marines who desire to activate for up to three years on Extended Active Duty (EAD) as an 8411 Canvassing Recruiter; with the potential to lateral move to 8412 Career Recruiter. For all...
Career Recruiters Committed to Excellence > Marine Corps …
2018年8月30日 · Career recruiters and command groups throughout the 8th Marine Corps District gathered this week in Galveston, Texas to participate in an annual leadership symposium aimed at developing the mind,...
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