FT847 - VK4SN Amateur Radio Station
VSPE AND FT-847 RADIO PROGRAM INTEGRATION. Using the circuit above. These are my setup notes. If it helps you then great. My Laptop COM port = COM 5. COM5 is for the ATEN USB to Serial Port Adapter plugged into the top USB hole in back of the laptop. Load VSPE and open the file vspeContestModeC5-c2.vspe I have saved this file to convert COM5 to ...
FT8[email protected] | WSTJ-X - Yaesu FT-847 - NO RF OUT
I wonder if someone knows if it is possible to edit the WSJT-X_2.3.1_amd64.deb program somewhere to change the Transmit Audio Source from Front / Mike to Rear / Data. This change is Greyed Out on my WSJT-X Installation. Reason being I am using an FT-847 which has a rear Data In / Out Jack.
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 设备 - YAESU FT-847 使用简报 - Powered by …
2007年1月9日 · ft-847 是一款针对卫星通信和全模式全频段工作的高阶业余无线电通信机型,设计重点:卫星地面通信站(地球站)、eme月面反射通信,较多的高阶功能,及其功能之间随应用的多种组合解决方案,不适合初学者使用。
Need Guide to Use FT-847 For Digital Modes - Groups.io
2021年12月21日 · I want the members here to create the Ultimate FT-847 Digital Guide. Let me take a moment to describe my setup - I have separate antennas and amplifiers for each output on the 847. Each amp is hard-keyed by the 847, via a special breakout cable I obtained on ebay. It …
Yaesu FT-847 - K4JRG
Ready for action on SSB, CW, AM, FM, and digital modes, the FT-847's ultra-compact size makes it ideal for serious base stations use, and well as a variety of portable and mobile applications, including Field Day, DX-peditions, VHF/UHF "Rove" operation, and RV installations.
FT-847 PTT with wsjt-x not working - groups.io
2019年4月30日 · Look in your FT-847 manual for recommended TX audio levels for digital mode, then use John's web app for the appropriate ALSA settings. Let us know what settings work for you.
八重洲FT-847中文说明书 - 无线电资料 - 业余无线电论坛
2019年6月11日 · 由于八重洲ft-847在国内相对稀少,自带的日文说明书对机器的使用造成了极大的困扰,故翻译了一下(机翻),只保证能看懂,不保证精确操作 本帖子中包含更多资源
[email protected] | FT8 - HELP!!!
2021年10月11日 · So, the only way I was able to run FT-8 (et al) with the 847 is to key the rig from the TRS jack in the back, using a USB Serial dongle and its RTS / DSR pins driving a small level shifting circuit and DC-blocking capacitor. For extra credit, try combining both HF and VHF digital modes (both connectors) to a single Raspberry-Pi based "TNC".
Yaesu - FT-847 - RigPix Database
Yaesu FT-847 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: Europe TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Also 4 m in the UK) RX: 0.1-76 / 108-174 / 420-512 MHz USA TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 / 430-450 MHz RX: 0.1-76 / 108-174 / 420-512 MHz
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-847 - eHam.net
It has four separate antenna connectors for 2 meter, 440, HF and 6 meters. That can be very handy for someone who has separate antennas for each band. You can combine the HF and 6 meters to the HP connector if needed. Fine radio, lots of fun. Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. Bought a second hand 847 from Ebay, a bit sceptical as it was kinda cheap.