85 mm air defense gun M1939 (52-K) - Wikipedia
The 85 mm air defense gun M1939 (52-K) (Russian: 85-мм зенитная пушка обр. 1939 г. (52-К)) [4] was an 85 mm (3.3 in) Soviet anti-aircraft gun, developed under guidance of leading Soviet designers M. N. Loginov and G. D. Dorokhin.
85 mm divisional gun D-44 - Wikipedia
The 85-mm divisional gun D-44 (Russian: 85-мм дивизионная пушка Д-44) was a Soviet divisional 85-mm calibre field artillery gun used in the last action of World War II. It was designed as the replacement for the 76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) .
Д-44/1956式85mm加农炮配用炮弹一览 - 哔哩哔哩
4.85×49mm - Wikipedia
The 4.85×49mm cartridge is based on the 5.56×45mm NATO, but uses a 5 mm bullet and has a longer neck than the 5.56mm does. Muzzle velocity is better than the M193 5.56mm loading, which this cartridge was designed to compete against. The …
Rocket, 85mm HEAT-T, PG-7G - Bulletpicker
This is a shoulder-launched, rocket-propelled, fin-stabilized high-explosive antitank with tracer grenade. The point-initiating base-detonating fuze consists of a piezoelectric crystal point initiating element, and a setback-armed base detonating element containing a self-destruct feature. The warhead is painted olive green.
Projectile, 85mm APHE-T, BR-365 - Bulletpicker
Cartridge, 85mm APHE-T, UBR-365. Iraq Ordnance Identification Guide (2004) Description This is a spin stabilized, gun fired, armor-piercing high explosive projectile or armor piercing high explosive tracer projectile. The projectile is gray; markin.
Projectile, 85mm HEAT-FS, BK-2M - Bulletpicker
Cartridge, 85mm HEAT-FS, UBK-1M. PIBD, GPV-2. Iraq Ordnance Identification Guide (2004) Description This is a fin stabilized, gun fired, high explosive anti tank (HEAT) projectile used against armored targets. The projectile is painted gray with black stenciled.
D44 General Information - Artillery Museum
The Soviet Union observing the effectiveness of the German Pak, and its shortcomings, designed an entirely new anti-tank gun in late WWII based on their 85mm cannon. Light weight, narrow and low height, it was designated the D-44 Divisional Gun which meant in addition to anti-tank munitions, it could also fire HE rounds to extreme ranges.
PTH85 VN18 85mm self-propelled gun - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年5月23日 · PTH85D44-VN18 is one of the newest self-propelled cannons successfully developed by the Vietnamese defense industry on the basis of combining the advantages of two Soviet weapons into...
Russian WWII 85mm Antiaircraft Gun Ammunition
2020年3月14日 · The round mentioned was for the 85 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun Model 1944 (85-мм Зенитная Пушка Обр.1944 г.), also known as the KS-1 (КС-1), its GAU index code 52-P-366 (52-П-366). All the manuals I have show the 53-BR-367 with a ballistic cap, under which is the penetrating cap, and finally the nose of the projectile's body.