Bullfrogs - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
ODST Air Assault units, often known as Bullfrogs, are combat teams of the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers Special Purpose Forces equipped and trained for the tactical use of Series 8 jetpacks. Members of these units are specialized in three-dimensional combat in dense urban and rugged natural environments, using aerial vectors to tactical advantage.
行星轨道空降突击队(ODST) - 光环WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
行星轨道空降突击队 (ODST) 是UNSC海军陆战队的一个特殊作战单位。 作为UNSC 最早 的一批特种部队,ODST受海军特种作战指挥部指挥。 组织总部位于火星塔奈斯(Tanais)地区的基诺沙市(Kenosha)。 在被星盟玻璃化前,他们的早期训练设施位于致远星。 作为UNSC海军陆战队的一支精英部队,ODST以他们特殊的部署方式——“大气层制动”著称,队员们通过乘坐特殊的小型空降仓空投至星球表面,这使他们能执行常规部队难以完成的任务。 ODST的训练模拟了众多种 …
ODST(以下简称O队)成立于2014年5月,是一支排级规模的七年老战队,模拟方向以德械轻步兵为主,兼顾机械化、摩托化及空降(索降/伞降/机降)快速部署。 战队名来自“HALO光环”游戏,全名Orbital Drop Shock Troopers,以乘坐攻击仓从近地轨道下降突入至地表交火区执行作战任务而闻名。 经过多年的摸索,形成完整的流程化、制度化、人性化新训流程,依托新兵班组为基础,注重氛围建设,严肃模拟的同时将游戏体验放到第一位。 多年来大佬总结的各种资料供新兵学 …
《光环3:神兵天降》图文流程攻略(上) - 游民星空
2009年9月25日 · 《最后一战3:odst》的游戏方式也和本传有所不同,采用开放式地图和倒叙的方式,描述菜鸟odst队员在空降后到醒来之间的空白六个小时,新蒙巴萨里到底发生了什么事情。
what are your thoughts on Halo 3 Odst? : r/halo - Reddit
ODST complete flipped that on its head, and for the first time in the halo series, you actually feel small, and lonely. They do this to you immediately and it's incredibly well executed. The Legendary campaign slaps you in the mouth if you try to just blast your way through the first level.
ODST Air Assault | Halo Alpha | Fandom
The ODST Air Assault are Orbital Drop Shock Trooper specialists equipped with the Series 12 Single Operator Lift Apparatus. [1] Multiple ODST Air Assault units were deployed during the Fall of Reach. The Bullfrogs were deployed to assist in the Evacuation of New Alexandria.
ODST (Halo) - VS Battles Wiki
The ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) is considered the most elite unit in the UNSC military, behind the Spartan supersoldier. These soldiers are highly trained and very well equipped and use various types of standard ODST armor, one of the strongest non-powered armor systems available to the...
www.youtube.com真的泪目。我很喜欢他们。做的时候差点也没忍住,作者算是替我哭了出来吧。我们双脚率先踏入地狱,长官!, 视频播放量 24642、弹幕量 109、点赞数 487、投硬币枚数 59、收藏人数 370、转发人数 29, 视频作者 消失的G, 作者简介 比起那些噱头,不觉得很可悲吗。
O.D.S.T. (Team) - Comic Vine
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (or O.D.S.T.) are the elite infantry units of the UNSC. Also known as the 105th Special Forces, the O.D.S.T. are volunteers veterans from the various UNSC special...
Halo 3: ODST | Xbox Wiki | Fandom
Halo 3: ODST (formerly named Halo 3: Recon)[3] is a standalone expansion for Halo 3, based in the fictional Halo universe.[4] In the game, players take on the role of a UNSC Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST) during the events leading up to Halo 3.[2]