To realize the fourth generation nuclear attack submarines development, only one class ship was chosen-Project 885 SSN, which, after the finishing of her technical project, had been equipped with new weapons for solving broadened tasks.
Social Security Number Prefix List - SSOfficeLocator.org
The first 3 numbers of a Social Security number is called the prefix. These numbers tells you what state that SSN was issued in. You can see the Social Security number prefix list below.
俄罗斯最强攻击核潜艇|885型/亚森级 (上) - 知乎
1985年,苏联政府正式批准新型核潜艇的建造计划,设计编号被定为885型,北约代号“亚森”级(yasen);因首艇名为 “北德文斯克”号 (k-329),20年前还被称为“北德文斯克”级1987年,苏联获悉美国“海狼”级攻击核潜艇即将开工建造,敦促设计部门加快研制 ...
Decoding Social Security Number - SSN-Check.org
2011年6月25日 · Additionally, 9-digit numbers with first three digits greater than 899 and the 4th and 5th digits ranging from 70 to 88 are Tax Identification Numbers not Social Security Numbers. Social Security Numbers were assigned to each state starting with the northeast states and moving southwest.
Social Security Number (SSN) Prefix | Find Your Prefix By State
2024年11月20日 · The first three digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) vary by geographical area. The table below indicates which state the Social Security card was issued in.
SSN prefix: Numbers acording to the state - SSA Offices
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is in charge of administering Social Security Numbers according to the state in which you reside. These numbers have a different SSN prefix, depending on where the citizen was born or issued their Social Security Number.
Project 885 Yasen class - Army Recognition
2024年7月30日 · Yasen class nuclear submarines are designed to launch a variety of long-range cruise missiles (up to 3,100 miles or 5,000 km), with conventional or nuclear warheads, and effectively engage submarines, surface warships and land-based targets.The submarine's armament includes 24 cruise missiles and eight torpedo launchers, as well as mines and ant...
Project 885 SSBN & Project 955 SSN prove unique characteristics …
2017年3月29日 · The Borei-class (NATO reporting name: Dolgorukiy-class) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) and Yasen-class (Severodvinsk-class) nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN) have proven their unique characteristics in the trials by the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet, Northern Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov told ...
Social Security Number (SSN) Prefix by State - SSA Locator
Are you looking for your Social Security number prefix by state? In this article we will explain what the prefix is and how you can find it. SSA Locator
885型攻击核潜艇 - 搜狗百科
2024年6月12日 · 885型攻击核潜艇(俄文:Проекта 885《Ясень》,中文:白蜡树,英文:Project 885《Ash》,北约代号:Yasen/Graneyclass,译文:亚森/雅森级/葛兰尼级,亦称:北德文斯克级),是俄罗斯海军隶下的一型核动力攻击型潜艇,是俄罗斯最新的能够携载各类型导弹 …