DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant | Dow Inc.
What is DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant? One-part, non-sag silicone material that cures to a low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. Can be applied over a wide temperature range. Can be extruded from -20 to 120°F. …
Rapid-drying fine repair mortar used to smooth and fill imperfections of interior surfaces before installing floor covering material. Mixed with water, this polymer-modified compound of portland and select hydraulic cement can be applied to various surfaces, often without the …
QUINTOLUBRIC® 888 46 was designed to replace anti-wear, mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids used in applications where fire hazards exist. QUINTOLUBRIC® 888 46 can also be used in environmentally sensitive hydraulic applications without compromising the overall hydraulic system operations. Engineering Data ...
Non-sag silicone joint sealant for Portland cement concrete pavement joints. Can be extruded from -20 to 120°F. May be used in joints that are not uniform in width. Movement capability 100% extension and 50% compression. Low modulus. Weather and UV resistant. Fuel resistant-short term exposure. Refer to Dow form number 62-207 for more information.
888 | Temper Kote
TemperKote No. 888 Series High Solids/Low V.O.C. Series High Performance Industrial Heat Resistant Coatings are based on a specially modified silicone alkyd resin. The coating air dries to a tough, hard,weather and heat resistant finish.
DOWSIL 888 Silicone Joint Sealant is a one-part, non-sag silicone material that cures to a low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. Can be applied over a wide temperature range. APPLICABLE STANDARDS • ASTM D 5893 Type NS • FAA P-605 for silicone joint sealants • Meets SS-S-200E (section 4.4.12)
Low-modulus Dow Corning 888 Silicone Joint Sealant easily with-stands extreme joint movement when properly applied. The sealant will withstand 100 percent extension and 50 percent compression of the original joint width. However, the recom-mended joint movement design is for ±25 percent (50 percent total) and not at the sealant limits. This ...
Product name: DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Identified uses: Construction materials and additives
(70 parts High Performance Basecoat Binder 888 : 30 parts VR Toners) • The Valspar Refinish binder 888 can be used in the fade-out for the colour, mix the VR 888 High Performance Basecoat Binder , with 200% thinner.
Read product's material safety data sheet before use CAUTION – Improper use and handling of this product can be hazardous to health. ... 888 PDS/AI Page 2 of 2 ©1999 Ameron • Printed in U.S.A. • R12/99 supersedes R7/99 Ameron U.S.A.• 13010 Morris Rd, Suite 400, Alpharetta, GA 30004 • (678) 393-0653