Flexible and expandable, intelligent GC system | Agilent
The 8890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) system meets specific analysis demands with speed, accuracy, and reliability. Unique features improve productivity and uptime. Built-in intelligence …
The Agilent 8890 GC is a state-of-the-art gas chromatograph that provides superior performance for all applications. Key to its performance is the use of advanced electronic pneumatic control …
This document provides an overview of the Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) and the Agilent 8850 Gas Chromatograph along with detailed operating instructions.
Agilent 8890 GC with Dual FID and Dual S/S - GenTech Scientific
The Agilent 8890 GC ensures precise measurements with retention time repeatability under 0.008% and area repeatability under 0.5% RSD. Its advanced EPC and temperature control …
Agilent 8890 GC system, 5977B MSD, 7693A ALS - GenTech …
Robust and reliable, the Agilent 8890 GC with Dual Flame Ionization Detector and Dual Split/Splitless inlets delivers proven precision, sensitivity, and next-level performance. In …
Agilent 安捷伦 8890 GC 气相色谱仪操作规范 - 豆丁网
2024年9月16日 · 适用于安捷伦8890型气相色谱仪的操作、清洁和维护、维修。 三、职责, 1、操作人,严格执行本规程,认真、及时、准确地填写相关记录, 2、化验室负责人,**检查检验员执行本 …
Agilent 8890 GC 安捷伦气相色谱仪 - Chromlogic
8890 气相色谱 (GC) 系统利用灵活的配置和功能提供快速、准确的结果,从而满足特定的分析需求。 当必须获得准确的结果并确保仪器的正常运行时,这款高性能的智能互联气相色谱系统始 …
《使用心得》Agilent GC 8890 气相色谱系统_仪器信息网社区
2024年10月11日 · Agilent GC 8890 气相色谱 系统介绍 硬件方面 进样系统配备高精度进样口,能够实现准确且重复性高的进样操作。 比如分流 / 不分流进样口,可以根据样品性质和分析要求 …
安捷伦 (Agilent) 8890B GC-气相色谱-南京天镨科学仪器有限公司
8890 GC 是安捷伦新一代旗舰级 GC,扩展性强,性能满足更广泛的需要。 配备全套进样口、检测器和附件,CFT, Deans Switch, 反吹,双塔进样,可同时安装 4 个检测器,支持 6 个气体进 …
As the most self-aware GC available, the 8890 senses—and compensates for— atmospheric pressure fluctuations to ensure precise chromatography. The 8890 GC is just one of a new …