89 | Bus | MBTA
MBTA bus route 89 stops and schedules, including maps, real-time updates, parking and accessibility information, and connections.
Route 89 - MARTA
This route operates North/South from College Park station to alternating termini in Union City and City of Riverdale along Best Rd., Sullivan Rd., and Old National Hwy. Points of Interest: Old National Village, Atl. Metro Studios, Riverdale Town Ctr., Riverdale City Hall.
89 | Rogers Ave - Owings Mills | Maryland Transit Administration
Transit Information Contact Center: 410.539.5000 Toll Free: 1.866.RIDE MTA (1.866.743.3682) TTY: 410.539.3497 Monday through Friday 6:00am - 7:00pm
Red vožnje - Linija 89 · Vidikovac · Čukarička padina · Novi Beograd ...
2024年10月14日 · Red vožnje (polasci) – Linija (prevoz) 89 – Vidikovac – Čukarička padina – Novi Beograd /Blok 72/ | Ulice kojim linija saobraća: Smer A: VIDIKOVAC – Patrijarha Joanikija – Kneza Višeslava – Ratka Mitrovića – Spasovdanska – Trgovačka – Maršala Tolbuhina – Radnička – Svetolika Lazarevića Laze – Savska ...
九巴89線 | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
MARTA 89 bus - Atlanta - Transit app
2025年3月12日 · MARTA 89 bus Stop List and Next Departures. The MARTA 89 - Old National Highway bus serves 54 bus stops in the Atlanta area departing from Xpress / Riverdale Park & Ride and ending at College Park Station / South Loop. Scroll down to see upcoming 89 bus times at each stop and the next scheduled 89 bus times will be displayed.
九巴 - 89 瀝源 » 觀塘(翠屏道) - 巴士路線搜尋器 - USHB
以下係各區前往十公里賽起點之特別路線資料,可供各位參考,所有路線以高士威道維多利亞公園作終點站,而所有過海路線均使用紅磡海底隧道,所有參與全馬及半馬乘客,可以於紅磡海底隧道轉車站步行前往起點。 R38 由置富花園開出,經華富、香港仔、黃竹坑。 資料: https://search.ushb.net/bus/CTB/R38#4. R108 由啟業邨開出,經啟德、九龍城、土瓜灣、老龍坑。 資料: https://search.ushb.net/bus/XHT/R108#4. R307 由佛教大光慈航中學開出,經太和 …
89 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps - Front-Dauphin (Updated) …
The 89 bus (Front-Dauphin) has 89 stops departing from Arrott Transit Center and ending at Dauphin St & Front St. Choose any of the 89 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
NJ Transit 89 bus - New Jersey
2025年3月12日 · The NJ Transit 89 - North Bergen - Hoboken bus serves 44 bus stops in the New Jersey area departing from Bergenline Ave / 90th St and ending at Hoboken Terminal Lane 6. Scroll down to see upcoming 89 bus times at each stop and the next scheduled 89 bus times will be displayed.
MBTA 89 bus - Boston - Transit app
2025年1月29日 · The MBTA 89 - Clarendon Hill or Davis Sta - Sullivan Square Sta bus serves 21 bus stops in the Boston area departing from Sullivan Square / Lower Busway Berth C4 and ending at Davis / Busway. Scroll down to see upcoming 89 bus times at each stop and the next scheduled 89 bus times will be displayed.