8K MCA with USB Interface * [ TYPE : MC1001 ] - Nucleonix
The USB-MCA is useful for high resolution pulse height anylysis (up to 8K channels) and high count rate systems (with a typicl dead time of 7 msec maximum). The hardware with associated software installed in a pc makes state of art Multi-Channel Analyzer system
USB Plug-On Digital Multichannel Analyzer, bMCA-USB
The bMCA-USB is a compact and fully digital tube base Multichannel Analyzer (MCA), equipped with USB interface, capable of performing Pulse Height Analysis (PHA).
Multi-Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer TUKAN 8k can be operated in three modes MCA, MCS oraz SCA. Real Time or Live Time set in multiples of one second; selectable automatic stop on exhaustion of preset time (real or live); max acquisition time 16777215 (224-1) s. Live time measurement accuracy: 250 ns.
テクノエーピー【サポート-APG7300A USB-MCA】
検出器からのBNCコネクタのケーブルをUSB-MCAに接続するにはどのようにすればよいですか? ドライバソフトウェアのインストールはどのようにすればよいですか? リストモードはありますか? ご用意ありません。 上位機種の APG7400A USB-MCA4 にはございます。 付属アプリ起動時に「connection error」ダイアログが表示され、PCと機器が接続できない。 付属アプリケーション起動に発生する、PCと機器との接続エラーに関しては、こちらの サポート-USB機 …
Fine gain from 1 to 2 in steps of 1/4096. Easy to setup from ROIs or nuclide information. Industrial temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C. The device is supplied with a basic software (free download) to control operation, data acquisi-tion and spectrum visualization.
The USB-MCA presented here, incorporates state of art technologies like FPGA, USB bus interface and precision analog electronics to meet the stringent system requirements in nuclear pulse spectroscopy. The resolution supported by the USB-MCA ranges from 256 channels to 8K channels selectable via
- [PDF]
USB-MCA-AMP Software
USB-MCA-AMP (One-channel Multi Channel Analyzer with built-in spectroscopy amplifier) Model: APG7305A (hereinafter this device) is connected to a semiconductor detector, proportional counter, scintillation detector, etc. is an MCA that can
PS-MCA-USB系列多道分析器是由来自清华大学工程物理系的博士、硕士开发的最新便携式多道分析器。 该系列多道分析器采用国际先进设计,大规模集成电路,FPGA控制逻辑,功耗低,性能高。 该系列多道分析器采用USB计算机接口,与任何一台计算机即插即用,无需外部电源。...
高性能便携式多道分析器_报价/价格/性能参数/图, _生物器材网
2007年4月16日 · PS-MCA-USB型多道分析器是由来自清华大学工程物理系的博士、硕士开发的最新多道分析器。 该多道分析器采用国际先进设计,大规模集成电路,功耗低,性能高。 USB计算机接口,与任何一台计算机即插即用,无需外部电源。 该多道分析器适合从低计数率到高计数率的各种射线能谱分析,配置不同的探测器可进行γ能谱、α能谱、β能谱、Χ射线能谱、中子能谱等多种能谱分析。 v 采用大规模集成电路,功耗低,消耗USB电流250毫安;体积小,仅有光盘大 …
communicates with the host computer via a USB-1.2 interface. The firmware is stored in an on-board EEPROM which boots the FPGA on power up. Device operation is controlled by just a few com-mands and parameter settings. Devices settings for more than 20 different scintillator types are provided with the software. The most notable parameters are:
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