8 Series Row Crop Tractors | 8R, 8RT, 8RX | John Deere US
See the redesigned 8 Series Tractors, now available in three configurations: wheels, two-tracks and the four-track 8RX Series. Available with 230 - 410 horsepower.
8R, 8RT, and 8RX Engine Power | John Deere US
8RX Tractors: four models from 310-410 engine hp. The industry's only fixed-frame, four-track row-crop tractor through and through. Get uncompromised performance in your 8 Series Tractors with up to 410 engine horsepower, and even higher through Intelligent Power Management. That’s the most horsepower we’ve put in a fixed-frame row-crop tractor.
8R, 8RT and 8RX: Versatility & Capability - John Deere US
Our 8R, 8RT and 8RX Tractors offer extra mechanical and electrical speed-change PTO options to deliver the versatility and flexibility you need for your implements. Choose from a mechanical front-wheel-drive (MFWD) axle or Independent Link Suspension (ILS™).
从入门到高端!AMD Radeon RX 500系列移动显卡全解析
2019年4月8日 · 一、AMD Radeon RX 500系列显卡三大核心技术解析 相比竞品,RX 500系列支持FreeSync、Radeon Relive、Radeon Chill三大特性。
8RX series - 动力换挡拖拉机 by John Deere Forestry/约翰迪尔林业 …
230 至 410 马力 从耕作、播种、施肥到牵引,我们的 8 系列具有完成工作所需的灵活性、动力性和智能性,而且能准确无误地完成工作。 它们不仅配备了精密农业技术,而且采用精密工程设计,经久耐用,可靠性高。 8 系列拥有多种车轮和履带配置,以及多种马力和变速箱选项,可供选择的余地很大。 因此,无论您的需求如何,您都可以放心地选择适合您和您的作业的拖拉机。 - 可选择 e23™ 动力换档或无级变速箱 (IVT™) - 4 柱驾驶室悬挂系统 - 宽敞舒适的驾驶室 - 自动驾 …
JOHN DEERE 8RX Tractors For Sale - TractorHouse.com
Browse a wide selection of new and used JOHN DEERE 8RX Tractors for sale near you at TractorHouse.com
Viewing a thread - 8RX vs Magnum Rowtrac - AgTalk
2023年11月7日 · Has anyone done a good comparison between a Deere 8RX and a Case Magnum Rowtrac? A Deere RX is about $100,00 more than the Case. Can't believe having …
A Walk Around the New John Deere 8RX Tractor - Successful Farming
2019年10月28日 · John Deere publicly announced the introduction of the all-new 2020 8RX tractor today. This is a four track, fixed-frame machine unlike any other currently on the market. The launch includes four models – the 8RX 310, 8RX 340, 8RX 370, and 8RX 410.
Introducing the John Deere 8RX Tractor | Papé Machinery
The 8RX drives with the turning characteristics of a wheel tractor combined with the strength, traction, and adjustability that four tracks offer operators. Read on to learn more about the John Deere 8RX tractor features, as well as upcoming updates to the entire 8-Family tractor series.
8RX Series Tractors | John Deere AFME
New Electric Variable Transmission (EVT) option is now available for 8 Series models only. Integrated precision ag technology comes standard to help you connect your machines and make data-driven decisions that improve yields and increase productivity.