8v-92 detroit specs - The Diesel Stop
2008年2月6日 · Your reply is the closest to actual specs. I had an 8V92TA, mechanical injection, 445 hp, 1330 ft lbs torque. Same motor with electronic unit injection was 450 hp, 1425 ft lbs torque, and much better fuel mileage. Mine only got 5 mpg at best, lol.
8v92 550hp? - The Diesel Garage
2011年6月13日 · I used to drive and own a ten wheeler dump truck with an 8V92TA that was rated at 425 hp. 550 hp seems to be a bit too much out of that motor, but I am no expert on modding these motors. At 425 hp my 8V92 seemed a bit slower than any Cat rated at …
Detroit 8v92 - The Diesel Garage
2008年2月17日 · the army is still running thousands of 8v92t's. most are ddec electronics, the het (oshkosh 8x8 tank transporter) is up to around 505 hp, and the hemtt truck with the older mechanical 8v92t was 445 hp. not sure if they bumped them up when they went to electronics on the newer ones. the engines in the m109 howitzer is an 8v71t. the 92's held up good, we ran …
Anyone know about Detroit 92 series? - The Diesel Stop
2005年7月26日 · I was just wondering if anyone had some expirence with Detroit 92 series engines. In perticular 8V92TA's and 8V92TA's DDEC III and IV. I was wondering if anyone had some ideas on how to increase power in these engines plus …
silver 8v92 questions - The Diesel Garage
2010年1月11日 · Hi guys, new here...great site i've seen so far. got a few questions about my truck. I have always ran BC cummins...well a year & a Half ago while in my travels i stumbbled upon a 85 Ih cabover. she looked good from the road so i investigated. 8v92 & 13 sp. well long story short i bought it and...
detroit 8v92ta erratic cooling, eventual overheat - The Diesel Stop
2015年5月3日 · Hi all, im happy to have found u all!!! An i have a few questions about a detroit 8v92ta. Production date sometime mid/late 1989, Silver. Shes in a 1990 newell 40ft coach. auto 4sp Allison, an i think....think its an h-700 series trans. 145k miles. Im …
8V92TA Water pump - The Diesel Stop
2018年10月29日 · We have a 8v92TA in a truck and for many years its cooling has slowly been deteriorating, having to rely more and more on the big Horton fan to bring the temp down. When we first got the truck 20 years ago the fan hardly ever had to come on, now its regularly on.
8v92ta detroit - The Diesel Stop
2019年1月21日 · Hey guys , with all u diesel guys out there is there any one who knows where to locate 8v92 flywheel and power steering pump with adapter plate. Trying to get some things put together for a semi rat rod . Purchased 379 Pete ,and 8v92 for old school power .... pissed off 2 stroke . Any help on...
8V92TA stalls at idle sometimes - The Diesel Garage
2016年6月7日 · I have an 8V92TA in a Military truck that stalls occasionally once warm. I also notice it will run rough at highway speed almost like its not getting enough fuel. It idles very low and sometimes the tach reads 0. At cold start I get about 7-800 rpms. Any ideas where I should start looking? Its a military rebuild by Diesel Exchange.
Detroit 8V92TA Oil Pressure Guage Fluctuation - The Diesel Garage
2022年1月20日 · Hello my name is Jerry in the Chicago area and I have an DD 8V92TA and my oil pressure fluctuates from 50 psi down to 20 psi, back and forth while driving and at idle drops down to about 10. No loss of power or shutdown just wondering the cause. Does anyone have any ideas or know of a good...