EDF Slow Flyer = Is there an EDF equivalent to 8x4 prop
2025年3月9日 · I have a similar size/weight trainer ("Cessna design") which flies well with a 8x4 prop, 2826 1350 kV motor. Is there an EDF system (fan/motor) with similar thrust/power/speed …
Equivalent prop for 3 blade 8x4.5 - RC Groups
2020年8月9日 · My new HK TL2000 crashed on the maiden and the 3 blade 8x4.5 seems to be unavailable. I am new to fixed wing but have a bin of Gemfan 10x4.5 2 blade probs for my mult …
What do the prop numbers mean? - RC Groups
2007年9月24日 · Take a look at this collection of 8x4 props (a couple of other close enough ones in there too). On the same motor at the same voltage, each would draw a different current, and …
Compare 8x4 GWS HD and 8x4 GWS Orange - RC Groups
2008年4月22日 · 2-blade versus 3-blade 8x4 GWS HD: Dr Kiwi: Electric Power Systems: 19: Jan 20, 2008 12:31 PM: Wanted: Wanted - WTB - 8x4 DD/HD Direct Drive GWS props: …
8x4 vs 8x6 props - RC Groups
2012年7月8日 · I've got 8x4 props on my tricopter with RCTimer 1300kv motors. The props I'm using 8x4e props from APC. They do not come in reverse rotation. However, the 8x6e comes …
Dynamic test: GWS 8x4DD - 2 and 3 blades - RC Groups
2012年4月21日 · With 8x4 GWS HD 2T (2-blade) versus 8x4 GWS HD 3T (3-blade) I found that the 3-blade ran at essentially ...
Wood props - 8x4 - RC Groups
2020年12月4日 · BINGO! It is not quite Christmas, so it must be your birthday~ I have WOOD 7X4 'Tornado " props, new, unused. Thin blade, varnish fini
What is 8x4 truck? - Answers
What is 8x4 truck? Anonymous. ∙ 12y ago. Updated: 10/23/2022. It goes by the formula A X B. A = Number of wheels. B = Number of traction wheels( that are connected to the gear & drive)
8" 3D prop options - RC Groups
2023年3月19日 · THE APC 8x4.1 3D prop which I thought had more thrust due to my earlier rpm numbers actually maxed out at only 360gms of thrust while the gemfan 8045 & APC SF 8x4.7 …
GWS style props 8x4<<<<<<<< - RC Groups
2017年6月15日 · Sold GWS style props 8x4<<<<< Miscellaneous RC Items (FS/W)