EDF Slow Flyer = Is there an EDF equivalent to 8x4 prop
Mar 9, 2025 · I have a similar size/weight trainer ("Cessna design") which flies well with a 8x4 prop, 2826 1350 kV motor. Is there an EDF system (fan/motor) with similar thrust/power/speed to a 8x4 ? Thanks a lot!
Equivalent prop for 3 blade 8x4.5 - RC Groups
Aug 9, 2020 · My new HK TL2000 crashed on the maiden and the 3 blade 8x4.5 seems to be unavailable. I am new to fixed wing but have a bin of Gemfan 10x4.5 2 blade probs for my mult copters. 1. Is there a difference between copter and fixed wing props. 2. How to convert a 3 blade to an equivalent 2 blade prop. 3. How big a difference would an 8x6 tri blade be?
What do the prop numbers mean? - RC Groups
Sep 24, 2007 · Take a look at this collection of 8x4 props (a couple of other close enough ones in there too). On the same motor at the same voltage, each would draw a different current, and get you different thrust at different rpm - and at a different [hypothetical, and/or actual, if one could determine it] pitch speed.
Compare 8x4 GWS HD and 8x4 GWS Orange - RC Groups
Apr 22, 2008 · 2-blade versus 3-blade 8x4 GWS HD: Dr Kiwi: Electric Power Systems: 19: Jan 20, 2008 12:31 PM: Wanted: Wanted - WTB - 8x4 DD/HD Direct Drive GWS props: freedomflyer: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 0: Oct 24, 2005 06:22 PM: Wanted: six new 8x4 GWS HD/DD Props: freedomflyer: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 8: Oct 19, 2005 10:26 PM: GWS orange …
8x4 vs 8x6 props - RC Groups
Jul 8, 2012 · I've got 8x4 props on my tricopter with RCTimer 1300kv motors. The props I'm using 8x4e props from APC. They do not come in reverse rotation. However, the 8x6e comes also in 8x6ep. I'm looking at making a v-tail, and I like the motor/prop combo I have now. How is switching to 8x6 to get counter-rotation going to affect the flight characteristics?
Dynamic test: GWS 8x4DD - 2 and 3 blades - RC Groups
Apr 21, 2012 · With 8x4 GWS HD 2T (2-blade) versus 8x4 GWS HD 3T (3-blade) I found that the 3-blade ran at essentially ...
What is 8x4 truck? - Answers
What is 8x4 truck? Anonymous. ∙ 12y ago. Updated: 10/23/2022. It goes by the formula A X B. A = Number of wheels. B = Number of traction wheels( that are connected to the gear & drive)
Wood props - 8x4 - RC Groups
Dec 4, 2020 · BINGO! It is not quite Christmas, so it must be your birthday~ I have WOOD 7X4 'Tornado " props, new, unused. Thin blade, varnish fini
8" 3D prop options - RC Groups
Mar 19, 2023 · THE APC 8x4.1 3D prop which I thought had more thrust due to my earlier rpm numbers actually maxed out at only 360gms of thrust while the gemfan 8045 & APC SF 8x4.7 maxes out at 500 gms of thrust at 16amps WoT.
Post your 1/2A pics #2 - Page 161 - RC Groups
Feb 2, 2025 · Love those Enyas, they are solidly built, run well when broken in and last forever. This one swings an 8x4 wood prop with authority. Normally I think of .15s using an 8x4 but I can’t get the prop off without breaking so I am going to go with it.