Lacoruna 98 mauser | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2010年1月23日 · We still have a lot of winter left so I have been looking for a clean 98 mauser in 8X57 to sporterize. I am familiar with the Bruno's, Argentine's, Yugo's and many of the the others but am ignorant in regards to the Lacoruna 98. I was doing some browsing on gunbroker this afternoon and I...
ADF&G is hiring a Range Manager in Anchorage
2010年6月30日 · 8x57 Mauser New member. Joined May 9, 2006 Messages 513 Reaction score 48 Location Southeast Alaska. Jul ...
Reloading help | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2007年11月3日 · I would like to start learning to Reload, specifically for .223, then .45ACP and .40 S&W and who knows what else later. However, I am completely lame to the world of reloading. walking around Sportsman's looking there doesn't help much. Any recommendations on books or starter kits, gear to...
Ordered a new bear gun | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2006年6月19日 · On auction arms I picked up a turkish m38 (mauser) action. It was cheap. Not exactly the premo action but it is functional. anyways the guy selling it is a smith out of Oklahoma. Talked to him and hes building me (tentitavly) 338wm, 20"bbl, timney trigger, aluminum hinged floorplate, cut and...
If you were governor? | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2009年4月18日 · Would you let the posturing legislature push you around?
Saving Boots | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2006年8月23日 · Thread starter 8x57 Mauser; Start date Aug 23, 2006; 8x57 Mauser New member. Joined May 9, 2006 Messages 513
Pebble Mine | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年6月19日 · I get the Alaska Law Review here at my office which is put out by Duke University's law school. There is an article in the latest volume on Pebble Mine.
Manchurian Candidate | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年10月28日 · Joined Jan 8, 2007 Messages 2,593 Reaction score 139. Oct 28, 2008 #1
Full Circle Farm | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年10月23日 · I was watching the news last night and they ran a story about Full Circle Farm. I guess it is all organic fruit/veggies that you can purchase in different box sizes. I looked at their website and they have alot of pickup locations all over …
Blacktail Call and Wait time | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年11月3日 · Judging by the recent threads, it's rut time! Hiked around all weekend and managed to see a few forkies. Not having much luck other than does responding to the call. Just curious how long other people wait once they've tweeted on the call. I have a hard time sitting still more than about...